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Coal Creek Utility District

Commissioner Position 2

Suzi O'Byrne

Suzi O'Byrne

13012 SE May Creek Park Drive

Newcastle, WA 98056

(206) 650-8034

Education: BA English - University of Washington FEMA Emergency Management Training
Occupation: 911 Supervisor (ret) - managing staffing, hiring, training and payroll

Please elect me as your representative on the CCUD Board of Commissioners!


I'm strongly committed to water quality compliance, resource development and reliable services at the lowest possible cost for you! Comprehensive infrastructure maintenance and an attitude of positive public service are qualities expected from CCUD. I will be strongly committed to meeting and exceeding those expectations on behalf of district ratepayers. 


A Puget Sound native and residing for 45+ years in Newcastle, I started volunteering as a Newcastle Parks Commissioner (2007-2011). I've been volunteerintg for the Cities of Newcastle and Bellevue for over 12 years. As a 911 Supervisor working with multiple public safety departments, my 30+ years experience reiterated the importance of a dependable water supply for all! I welcome the responsibility of keeping our rates low and infrastructure quality high while simultaneously meeting the environmental needs and the demands of population growth and development in our district.

Richard (Ric) D. Anderson

Richard (Ric) D. Anderson

9621 123rd Ave SE

Renton, WA 98056

(206) 255-1960

Education: Seattle University B.A.
Occupation: Retired Law Enforcement

As your elected Commissioner and long time resident of Coal Creek Utility District. It has been my honor to represent your best interest in all District issues that are dealt with throughout the years. You have my commitment that I will continue to seek the best, most-efficient solutions, and serve our community with honesty and integrity. It will be my responsibility to ensure that all options for future service have been evaluated, in the interest of the ratepayers, our community, environment and our future are considered. I will continue to work towards keeping water rates low to bring the best and most efficient technology to the district and provide the best service to all ratepayers. Together, we can continue working to make our community the kind of place where we can be proud to live, work and raise our family. 

Mike Creel

Mike Creel

12930 SE 86th Pl

Newcastle, WA 98056

(425) 503-6924

Education: City University - Project Management
Occupation: Seattle Business Owner

As a candidate for this position, you should know that I bring with me over two decades of water and wastewater experience. I have worked in the water/wastewater industry since 1994 as a licensed Treatment Plant Operator and Supervisor. My expertise has earned me jobs with Fortune 500 companies in Iraq and Afghanistan for over a decade through the US Department of Defense.


I have handled matters regarding quality control, water usage/storage/transportation, and Reverse Osmosis Water Purification. In these rugged environments, water production and the proper treatment of wastewater is crucial to our military.


Having retired from military contracting, I now work with my wife of 20 years, Yonghong Wang, operating Seven Stars Pepper Szechuan Restaurant in Seattle. If elected, I give you my word that our District will be a diverse public entity offering employment opportunities for all qualified applicants while keeping our rates as low as possible. 

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