2021 primary election
City of Seattle
Council Position No. 9
Brianna K. Thomas
PO BOX 23125
(440) 382-5557
I am running because I am ready to lead on the policies we need to move this city forward. I am proud to have supported efforts that put Seattle at the national forefront of workers’ rights, livable wages and police accountability, from inside City Hall and in the community as an advocate and organizer. From the fight for $15 in SeaTac to the passage of Honest Elections, I know how to deliver.
Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic must be equitable for the families, workers, and businesses most impacted. I will prioritize supporting small businesses, and our arts and cultural communities that are the vibrant backbone of our city. I'm committed to reimagining our entire criminal justice system - not just sentencing and policing - and doing the hard work of building trust between communities of color and law enforcement. I will champion building a sustainable Seattle that is affordable, transit-connected, and accessible, and allows seniors to age in place with respect and dignity.
Seattle deserves compassionate and effective leadership to navigate these unprecedented times. I'm running for Seattle City Council because it's time for real results, not just rhetoric - lifting all of our neighbors up, and making sure no one is left behind. I humbly ask for your support.
Endorsed by King County Democrats, 11th, 36th & 46th LD Democrats, Teamsters Joint Council, SEIU 925 & 775, NW Carpenters Union, Aerospace Machinists Union 751, National Women’s Political Caucus of WA, and elected leaders including Seattle City Councilmembers Lorena González, Lisa Herbold, Dan Strauss, Andrew Lewis, and Sally Bagshaw (fmr.), State Senators Joe Nguyen, Steve Hobbs, Mona Das and Rebecca Saldaña, State Representatives David Hackney, Debra Entenman, Cindy Ryu and Liz Berry, former King County Councilmember Larry Gossett, Seattle School Board Director Zachary Dewolf, and Seattle Port Commissioner Sam Cho.
As part of a low income family, I have struggled and navigated my way through the homeless system in Seattle. I have jumped through the various hoops, traveled to multiple locations for assistance without a vehicle. Relying on the bus system is difficult to do, because the buses are not consistent. The bus is usually late or early, resulting in being late to appointments. The lightrail gets packed during rush hours, causing transmission of viruses. The monorail is wonderful, but only travels a short distance. Roads are deteriorating, constantly being cut into for new construction. New roads are getting tolled, fueling the income inequality. Traffic lights are poorly timed, creating a gridlock of cars and angry citizens.
I am a veteran, and have witnessed how the government spends tax money irresponsibly. Waiting to spend the money until right before the new budget is released. This is done to keep the budget. It is a use it or lose it system, so it will all get used right before the deadline on arbitrary items to ensure the same amount of money or more will be given in the new budget. I would like to be on the finance committee to audit all of the beneficiaries of the city taxes. Abusing the budget in this way is common practice, and needs to end. The city needs to live within its means, and stop enabling budget abuse.
I am a very well rounded, level headed individual, who just wants to help everyone live their lives how they see fit without government interference. I may not have the fancy degree, but I do have real life, practical experience to bring to the table. I am running my campaign with zero financial contributions, because it is not necessary to raise money to be successful.
Rebecca L. Williamson
650 S. ORCAS ST. STE. 120
(206) 323-1755
The Socialist Workers Party joins the working-class demand for an immediate, massive public works program, funded by the federal government to put millions to work at union-scale wages building hospitals, child care centers and other things workers need. Jobs not handouts. Cost of living adjustments to raise wages, social security, disability each time basic prices go up.
An increase in job actions by thousands against the bosses’ offensive is a welcome sign. They need help to win! Teamsters at Minnesota’s Marathon Petroleum in Minnesota, Alabama Miners at Warrior Met Coal, and Steelworkers at Allegheny Technologies need our solidarity. Victories can help build a desperately-needed working class leadership. Through a fighting labor movement, we can build our own party — a labor party – to fight to take political power out of the hands of the bosses and bankers represented by Democrats and Republicans.
To strengthen our class, we also urge you to join these fights: arrest & prosecute cops who brutalize working people; speak out against Jew-hatred; recognize a Palestinian state and Israel; immediate government relief for small farmers and farm workers; defend a woman’s right to choose abortion; amnesty for immigrant workers. Oppose the death penalty; defend freedom of speech against cancel culture.
The ‘systemic’ problem we face today is capitalism, the system based on exploitation of labor and nature, which uses racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression to divide and exploit working people. Capitalism cannot be reformed and must be overthrown. Only a workers and farmers government can begin to uproot the social problems we face for all time. Oppose the U.S. embargo on Cuba! Join monthly actions here. Revolutionary Cuba is an example to emulate.
Join the Socialist Workers Party 2021 campaign! To learn more, go to: themilitant.com and pathfinderpress.com.
Nikkita Oliver
(206) 712-2778
In the last year, Seattle has had a reckoning with racial inequality, a battle with a devastating pandemic, and is facing a continued climate crises. Will we continue to rely on policies of the past -- many of which brought us to this point -- or is it time for a fresh perspective rooted in community care?
As an attorney who has supported clients through school exclusion, eviction, and anti-discrimination cases, Nikkita Oliver (they/them) understands transformative solutions to the problems facing our city come from those most impacted.
A vote for Nikkita is a vote for a city that embodies racial and economic justice. A city with labor protections for freelancers and prevailing wages and healthcare for frontline workers. A city that enacts progressive revenue to meet the basic needs of Seattleites, including housing for all. A city that takes bold action to address the climate crisis by working towards free transit, and by reforming a zoning code that restricts our supply of affordable housing.
Together, we can build the city we say we are - a city where all are welcome and none are excluded.
Endorsements: Author, Ijeoma Oluo; 11th LD Democrats; UFCW Local 21; SEIU 925; ATU Local 587; UAW 4121; WFSE Local 1488; Seattle City Councilmember Tammy Morales; King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay; Washington State Representatives Tarra Simmons and Kirsten Harris-Talley; Washington State Senator Rebecca Saldaña; former King County Councilmember Larry Gossett. Professional Experience: Executive Director of Creative Justice (a youth-focused restorative justice organization); Attorney; Adjunct Professor at Seattle University School of Law; Community Organizer. Community Service: Nikkita organizes with grassroots efforts such as Restorative Community Pathways, #NoNewYouthJail, Decriminalize Seattle, and the building of the Youth Achievement Center (co-located housing and services for youth in Seattle).
Environmentalism. Compassion. Diversity. Inclusion. Equity. I’m a Big P Progressive.
The crossroads we’re at demand bold, swift action. Through my extensive work for the non-profit, natural foods and music industries, I’ve innovated, creating public-private and other partnerships that make dollars go further, getting stuff done. I’ve worked with mayors, councillors, celebrities -but I won’t waste my word allotment here bragging. Instead, policies...
For decades, politicians here rolled out ten-year end-homelessness ‘plans’, declared homelessness a crisis and congratulated themselves for producing hundreds of units of social housing, when many thousands were needed. I’ll introduce legislation to create a housing Public Utility District to build many thousands of ‘green’ supportive, affordable rental and first-time home buyer units around Seattle. Let’s end the piecemeal approaches. Our wealthy city must have adequate hygiene stations and public restrooms for all, as the pandemic underscored. I have detailed plans.
We must re-do public safety, starting with residency requirements. A small, well-trained, elite armed division should supplement a larger public safety department that addresses the needs of our growing city. We can provide much day-to-day safety via ‘By-Law’, mental health and community officers -without guns.
As the only member of Council with significant arts industry experience, I’ll fight hard for housing, financial opportunities and relief for our music, film, theatre, culinary and other artistic industry creators who’ve defined Seattle so much. Imagine more community centers, with arts/music studios and commissary kitchens.
Let’s make SeattleSubway’s comprehensive subway system vision map a reality, putting humans above autos. I’ll promote a comprehensive grey water (reuse) program, increase the number of trash bins on our streets and tackle graffiti fairly, equitably and effectively. And, my proposals come with funding mechanisms. Want big bold action and systemic change for the better? Then elect bold leaders, instead of career politicians. Vote Xtian Gunther.
Sara Nelson
PO BOX 27113
(206) 910-8762
Seattle, I love you, but we need to talk. This is one of the most beautiful and vibrant cities in the world, but our Council’s mismanagement is making it unlivable for many residents. From the housing and homelessness crises to basic services, Seattleites are tired of big promises, undelivered. It’s time for a City Council that keeps its promises!
As we recover from COVID-19, we must build our city back better and more equitably. Neighborhood businesses are struggling and too many people have lost their jobs, but Council’s not acting with urgency to help. I created a local small business, Fremont Brewing, that’s a national industry leader in sustainability and treating employees right. As a former Council Aide, I helped pass landmark legislation on the environment, transportation, and economic development.
On City Council, my focuses will include: 1) Addressing Our Homelessness Crisis through “Housing First” policies, working with proven service providers to house the homeless, provide mental health and addiction services, and restore our public spaces; 2) Delivering Basic Services by maintaining our infrastructure like community centers and bridges, instead of prioritizing flashy projects; and, 3) Making Progress on Public Safety and Police Reform, while ensuring everyone who calls “911” can expect a fast, effective response. Every Seattleite deserves to wake up to a safe, clean, equitable city with a local government that does its job.
Seattle can get back on the right track! It starts with electing leaders who will be held accountable for delivering measurable results. My name is Sara Nelson, and I ask for your vote.
Endorsements include: Seattle Firefighters; Seattle-King County Building and Construction Trades Unions; Ironworkers Local 86; Former Representative Gael Tarleton; Former Councilmembers Richard Conlin, Heidi Wills, Tom Rasmussen, Jan Drago, and Jean Godden; Denis Hayes and other environmental leaders; and more.
Every day, I invest in the future of Seattle as an Assistant Principal in our public schools; however, at this critical time, I see how Seattle can do so much better for our kids and community. I see polarization in the City Council and city government that stops collaboration and progress today and for our future generations. We need new leaders able to push past this divide. I'll get us back to the basics: equitable and progressive policy that solves problems in a practical "get things done" kind of way.
I've spent the last 18 years serving our youth as a teacher and assistant principal (currently at Lincoln High School in Seattle), working with students and families from all different communities across our region - from Shoreline to South King County. I've fought for reform and investments in our education system to ensure students and families furthest from educational justice have the access and opportunities they need to succeed.
I prioritize outreach and collaboration because you cannot solve a problem unless you really understand what is not working. We must act now. Inequities continue to exist throughout our city. The homelessness crisis is growing. Our city infrastructure lacks affordable housing, a comprehensive transit system, robust support for small businesses and an action plan to combat climate change. Our most vulnerable populations, including our kids, need help, and we need leaders who will answer the call.
Seattle will continue down the wrong direction if we don't change paths. We need new leadership that will fight through our current division and actually move us forward. We have an opportunity for a new approach that will prioritize a city government that works for the people. I know my fact-based, collaborative approach can show real progress for Seattle. I ask for your vote.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
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