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City of Mercer Island

Council Position No. 6

Lisa Anderl

Lisa Anderl

PO BOX 1493


(206) 841-0207

Education: BA in Italian Studies Gonzaga University; JD Gonzaga University School of Law (summa cum laude)
Occupation: Attorney; Councilmember, Mercer Island City Council

As a 20-year resident of Mercer Island, it is my honor to be serving on our City Council.  During my tenure, my colleagues and I worked with the City Manager to lead the City away from a predicted financial crisis into financial surplus.  City departments have been restructured and we now operate more efficiently.  My priorities remain the same: public safety and strong support for law enforcement; efficient financial management; mobility and transportation advocacy for Island residents; preservation of parks and open spaces.

I will continue to advocate for our community’s needs, as I did when I voted to maintain funding for school counselors and to protect our parks.  I am also looking at opportunities to change City policy to enhance retail in Town Center.

I'm proud to be endorsed by local community members, including Councilmember Salim Nice. I will work hard for you – please vote for Lisa Anderl!


Adam Ragheb

Adam Ragheb



Education: Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD in Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Occupation: Aerospace Systems Engineer

My wife and I moved to Mercer Island for its schools, spacious and safe neighborhoods, and parks. I value hard work, good environmental stewardship, and education. While my background focuses on engineering, I have experience with utility rights-of-way and soil conservation. I’ll bring a science-based viewpoint and additional data-driven decision making to the Council. In my job I bring together a variety of viewpoints and craft a timely solution beneficial to all, experience that is directly applicable.

My passions would focus around supporting Mercer Island's parks, schools, and residential character. I’m a strong proponent of making decisive decisions to avoid the costs of inaction.

As a councilmember, I would ensure that we maintain sufficient Police/Fire services and promote efficiency vs. outsourcing services, especially with growing car prowls here. A city councilmember's job is to listen to and represent constituents - I will hear every Islander, especially when our beliefs differ. 

Kate Akyuz

Kate Akyuz

7683 SE 27TH STREET, #435


(206) 636-2849

Education: Bachelor’s, Urban Forestry, UW; Master’s, Forest and Ecosystem Science, State University of New York
Occupation: Capital Project Manager, King County Natural Resources/Parks; Girl Scout Leader

A scientist, mother, and volunteer, I am running for City Council because I want to bring people together to ensure our Council reflects our shared community values.  I know we can work better, together.  I also promise to bring more engaging public outreach to Council discussions.


My priorities include fully funding Mercer Island Youth and Family Services, restoring and protecting our parks, sustaining middle-income housing, creating affordable housing options for seniors wanting to downsize, replacing our antiquated water system to keep our drinking water safe, and creating a unified vision for a beautiful and vibrant town center.


I am proud to be endorsed by the King County Democrats; Senator Lisa Wellman, Representatives Tana Senn and My-Linh Thai; City Councilmembers Wendy Weiker, Craig Reynolds & David Rosenbaum; former Representative Judy Clibborn, and many more.  But the endorsement that really matters is yours.  I hope I can count on your vote.

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