2019 primary election
City of Seattle
Council District 5
Seattle’s North End has been my home for more than 30 years and is where I raised my daughters. I have dedicated my career to fighting for fairness and economic opportunity. In my 33-year legal career, I have worked as: a public defender, advisor for two governors (Locke and Lowry), King County Superior Court Judge, and as legal counsel at a law firm.
I ran for city council because we needed a strong voice to advocate for our neighborhoods and local businesses. As City Councilmember and the first person to represent District 5, I have fought and delivered real results for North Seattle:
TRANSPORTATION – For too long, our community has been left behind in the transit-planning process. That’s why I successfully fought for the 130th street light rail station, built dozens of new sidewalks, and finished funding the pedestrian-bike bridge that will connect North Seattle College to light rail at Northgate.
HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS – I’ve helped develop more than a thousand units of affordable housing in our district and voted to expand crucial programs that keep us safe, including the Navigation Team and Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD). I have also secured millions of dollars for small, local non-profits caring for our homeless neighbors.
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY – I’ve worked to improve infrastructure, attract new business to our district and develop a building and trades apprenticeship program at North Seattle College that will ensure our young people can secure good paying jobs in Seattle. I’m proud to have helped create thousands of new jobs in our city. I chaired the committee that secured a $1.6 billion renovation to KeyArena, at no cost to the taxpayers, to bring NHL and NBA teams back to Seattle.
I’m proud of these accomplishments, but there is still more to do. We’re facing real challenges and we need strong leaders with experience to find solutions that work. I’m a pragmatic, effective leader who will always put the needs and priorities of District 5 first. I am fiercely optimistic about what we can do next. I hope to earn your vote again to continue the work I have started and keep fighting for our community.
I’m proudly endorsed by MLK Labor; National Women’s Political Caucus-WA; Laborers Local 242; Sierra Club; the 32nd, 36th and 46th District Democrats.
John Lombard
PO Box 27331
Seattle, WA 98165
(206) 880-0905
I’m running for Seattle City Council to ensure that communities across District 5 have a true partner in their councilmember as they face issues of homelessness, community development, displacement from redevelopment, pedestrian safety, property crime, affordable housing, traffic, and many other pressures as Seattle’s growth spreads northward. See the “Issues” page on my website above for my positions. I promise open, engaged, responsive leadership for District 5!
Community Leadership
I’ve been a community leader in District 5 for 17 years—with Thornton Creek Alliance, the North District Council and the D5 Community Network (the only association of community groups across a City Council district in Seattle). I was a volunteer for Imagine Lake City Together and continue to work with Build Lake City Together to follow through on its visionary plan. I was a leading member of the Northgate Stakeholders Group and helped start the group ReVisioning Northgate. I’ve worked closely with leaders from Aurora Licton Urban Village, Haller Lake Community Club, and the Broadview Bitter Lake, Greenwood, and Licton Springs Community Councils on key issues for their neighborhoods, from pedestrian safety to a new North Precinct Police Headquarters to the future of the Aurora Corridor.
Environmental Leadership
I would be an unusually knowledgeable advocate for the environment on the council. In addition to my years with Thornton Creek Alliance, my career has focused on environmental policy, working with local governments, tribes, and others throughout the region in both staff and consulting roles. I wrote the book Saving Puget Sound, which led the Northwest Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration to name me “Conservationist of the Year” in 2007.
Open, Engaged, Responsive Leadership—for a Change!
Constituents across District 5 who have tried to reach the incumbent’s office frequently don’t even get a response. I promise not just to respond to your messages, but to provide frequent opportunities for constituents to meet directly with me, at times and places that are convenient for you. I have been an open, accessible community leader, and I will be an open, accessible councilmember! If you want the community to be a true partner in the future of District 5, then I’m the best candidate in this race.
Honored to be endorsed by the 32nd District Democrats, State Rep Cindy Ryu, John Fox (leader of the Seattle Displacement Coalition), Daigoro Toyoma (President, Pinehurst Community Council), and many other community leaders.
Alex Tsimerman
PO Box 4222
Seattle, WA 98104
Elected Experience: None
Other Professional Experience: Business, Business consultant and Caregiver for my mother.
Education: Graduated from college, University, Master degree in Engineering and Management
Community Service: Won class action in 1997 for housing discrimination, which included HUD. Won a very unique class action in 2015 against DSHS for stealing $100 million from 50,000 people. Speaking over 2000 times in many council chambers about local government corruption and restore our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Alex Tismerman speaks in council chambers every day.
Are we better now than 4 years ago? Stop fascism with idiotic face!
I, Alex Tsimerman, speak to you Seattle emerald degenerate super smart freaking idiot, who bring Seattle to number one fascist city in America with Nazi−socialist−Gestapo principle. That always choose dirty garbage rats that drink from fat cat toilet and who make your life miserable and brought us to total collapse. Enough is enough it cannot go forever.
No Taxes for first $100 spent on food, dress, everything. We pay $100 billion for taxes. Enough is enough. Give ordinary people a little bit of air for breathing.
We are stuck in Seattle between Amazon and illegal immigration and there is only one way to bring the City back to normal life— move 100,000 Amazonian from downtown and 100,000 not legal immigrants from city.
We need to guarantee affordable housing for everybody and stop speculation and start taxing 25% for every foreign house buyer. We need to fix our crazy traffic problems, which has totally destroyed our lives and our cars.
To stop homeless, I will ask local billionaires to give 1% of their wealth so we can fix this problem once and forever.
We need to open Bertha Room in City Hall one time per week for open public conversation and honest candidate forums. This can stop the people from being controlled by Nazi−Socialist−Democrats-Mafia.
Elect me as City Council, I will work for free and all management will be only from Seattle and Salary will beno more than average income.
We need to elect business people like Alex Tsimerman who can operate a City which has$6 billion, 12,000 employees and 700,000 citizens.
StandUP America, StandUP Seattle so we can bring us back to normal life. We have enough money in thesystem to make life better for everyone without a penny more from the people.
BA- Political Science - University of Washington Master’s of Public Administration - Seattle University
I am running for Seattle City Council because residents of North Seattle are ready for a new vision for District 5 and accountability. I was born and raised in Seattle and I lived in the District 5 neighborhood of Lake City for 41 years. I've spent my life and career working on several local and global equity issues.
My father was born in the US territory of Puerto Rico and my mother grew up in Lake City. My great-uncle, Joseph Mayer, created the beautiful and historic Seattle Street Clocks found in downtown Seattle. I have deep roots in Seattle and deeply care about the city and neighborhood I grew up in.
I have a record of ‘getting things done’ by bringing together and partnering with a diverse group of people and organizations to address the biggest challenges in Seattle and District 5 . I have worked for several nonprofit, education, and public organizations; I was Co-Chair of the North District Council, on the boards of Lake City Neighborhood Alliance, Meadowbrook Community Care, and Solarize Puerto Rico. I want to bring the same model of success I have had working together with community groups and organizations and apply that model to the City Council.
Important Issues:
1. Affordable housing and people experiencing homelessness (housing first policy, supportive housing, case management/wraparound services, focus on preventing homelessness in the first place)
2. Equity : (bringing more resources to our three undeserved urban villages; Lake City, Bitter Lake, and Aurora-Licton urban villages.)
3. Youth Leaders (more leadership, civic participation, and career training programs).
4. Protecting our Environment (solarize District 5 project, restore and protect Thornton Creek Watershed).
5. Transportation (expand light rail and improve access and reliability of public transportation)
I have worked very closely with immigrant and refugee families in Lake City and across District 5. I have worked with a team of community organizers to empower underserved communities across cultures. I created and managed several youth leadership, civic participation, and career and education programs to empower the next generation of leaders in District 5. And I worked with community partners to create the Lake City Mural project to transform the neighborhood, empower youth, support local businesses, improve public safety, and build community. Together we can make District 5 the best place to live, work, learn, and play.
Ann Davison Sattler
PO Box 51008
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 775-8838
Attorney, mother and community champion, Ann Davison Sattler has lived in Seattle for 23 years. She began working with the Seattle SuperSonics team in 1996. Earning her JD from Willamette University, College of Law, she began working as an attorney while raising two children. Ann has long been an advocate for those in need; volunteering with individuals transitioning from incarceration, leading a hunger awareness campaign, organizing local environmental clean-ups, and working with the UN Border Relief Operation in a Cambodian refugee camp. These public-spirited causes drove Ann to take action in Seattle.
We need change on the Seattle City Council. Ann listens and is prepared to be the voice of forgotten neighborhoods and residents who have been facing unresponsive, neglectful leadership in District 5. We need clear vision from a responsive councilmember who addresses our urgent problems head-on. Ann is ready and passionate about making those changes together, for the city we know and love.
Through tutoring at the local Central Area Youth Association, serving as VP, Recreational Development for the Seattle Youth Soccer Association, and helping spearhead efforts raising $200,000 for Seattle Public Schools, Ann has proven honest dedication to our kids’ and Seattle’s future. Ann takes our city’s legacy seriously and will work to redirect city dollars, creating access to underfunded addiction treatment and prevention programs instead of funding drug injection sites.
Ann taught English to Thai students internationally and now teaches international business law at the University of Washington Continuum College. Having elementary-aged children in our schools, she understands the need for programming that emboldens kids to face challenges in healthy ways.
Experienced as an attorney and arbitrator, Ann is dedicated to the rectification of Seattle’s criminal justice system. She’s seen individuals with scores of charges repeatedly go through the system, while city leadership sits idle during public-outcry for improvements in public safety. Ann will fulfill city leadership’s obligation to residents, ensuring that victims are heard, respected, and appropriate action is taken regarding safety.
In the U.S. House of Representatives, Ann served as a caseworker to resolve constituents’ problems. Through this, her skills in cohesive communication were reinforced, bringing people together to get things done. She will work with fellow councilmembers to craft policies around housing that materialize into practical changes instead of maintaining ineffective efforts towards the declared emergency on homelessness. Join Ann in revitalizing our innovative, compassionate, Emerald City!
BA- Psychology & Political Science, University of Portland
JD- Seattle University School of Law
I'm running because I know our city can do better. I was born and raised in Seattle, and I want to confront our city's most urgent needs with fact-based policies and fresh perspectives.
What we need:
A Council that listens to its electorate and responds with decisive action, transparency, and accountability. Every citizen who speaks out deserves a Council that will respectfully and actively listen. I would be honored to take on this task as your District 5 representative.
A police force that is empowered to protect our safety and property. We can reduce lawlessness and addiction in our city by increasing prosecution of property crimes and illegal drugs. In our well-intentioned efforts to show compassion we have gone to the point of leniency and enabling. Growing and retaining our police force to provide rapid response will only be possible when the city stands behind our law enforcement officials.
Housing that is affordable to average citizens, not more empty condos. One in ten Seattle apartments are vacant, with high-end units in particular exceeding demand. Housing programs like HALA/MHA put us on the right track, but allowing developers to pay to opt out only increases costs and perpetuates our affordable housing problem.
To shelter and treat our vulnerable populations with effective, evidence-based policies that decrease recidivism while protecting tax payers. Continuing to double down on programs that are not working is simply irresponsible. The Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program has seen huge success and should be expanded. Inter-agency cooperation is critical; I will ensure an ongoing coalition between the Council, law enforcement, and social service providers to develop holistic strategies that combat the cycle of homelessness. Inter-agency cooperation will streamline services, and cut costs.
More and better public transit to keep our streets running smoothly. Subsidizing Orca cards or reestablish slashed bus routes will help alleviate our choking traffic problem. As your District 5 representative, I would prioritize improving our roads and sidewalks so they are safe and accessible to all.
Why I’m running:
To restore Seattle to its full potential. To fight for our District 5 community and beyond. To advocate for greater public safety, more affordable housing, effective responses to homelessness, and better transportation for all. In short, I'm running for more of what works and less of what doesn’t.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
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