2019 primary election
City of Seattle
Council District 3
“You deserve a Councilmember who will represent you , listen to your community, and ensure that all residents share in Seattle’s prosperity. I offer practical, progressive, and proven solutions. My wife, Jerina, and I own a small business, and we work with our employees to cultivate a culture of inclusivity and social responsibility. Throughout my career I have tackled tough problems and delivered results. I will bring that sensible, solutions-oriented perspective to City Council.”
Logan will fight to end Seattle’s housing shortage.
Seattle needs equitable housing through more housing options. Seattle created 100,000 new jobs downtown, but only added 45,000 housing units citywide. We can’t build enough homes because the city still follows outdated, racist, and segregationist zoning policies. We must end this injustice. Logan will re-legalize duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes. This low cost housing was once part of every neighborhood. It adds appropriate density , not expensive highrises and will require no public spending .
Logan will lead our homelessness response with empathy.
Seattle needs a responsible homelessness approach. We need 5,200 units of supportive housing , more shelters , and social and sanitation services that actually meet our unhoused neighbors’ needs. Aggressive sweeps without services don’t work .
Logan will fight for 100% walkable neighborhoods.
Seattle needs walkable neighborhoods. Every family deserves to safely walk to necessities like groceries, schools, or affordable childcare. Logan will end the zoning restrictions on these amenities, because walkable neighborhoods are healthy, safe, and vibrant neighborhoods.
Logan will fight for safe streets and prioritize transit.
Seattle needs less traffic congestion and carbon pollution. We must design our streets to serve people . All road users—even drivers—benefit when more people choose to walk, bike, scooter, or bus. Let’s get fossil fuels out of our lives.
Logan will work to ensure Seattle is safe for everyone .
Seattle needs safe communities. No one should fear gun violence or police violence. We need strong accountability to restore community trust, and to pay our officers enough to live in our city. Officers protect us best when they are part of the community they serve.
Logan is supported by Seattle.
“My campaign was first to qualify for democracy vouchers, and I received both the most and the most in-district democracy vouchers. I am proudly union-endorsed by Laborers Local 242. I am not funded by out-of-state or corporate interests, I represent you and our neighbors .”
I'm running for Seattle City Council because our current representation isn’t working for all of us. We need leadership focused on solutions, not on dividing us. We deserve leaders dedicated to preventing displacement with shallow rent subsidies, investing in transit and infrastructure improvements by completing bike lanes and sidewalks, ending gun violence by investing in community-based violence prevention programs, and tackling housing affordability. And I’m running for the 4,280 students experiencing homelessness because their housing status and how they get around affects their education.
Experience delivering results:
As a program manager for All Home King County, I’ve worked to eliminate youth homelessness and to invest in proven solutions, like diversion. As former President of the Capitol Hill Community Council and Board Commissioner for Seattle’s Housing Authority, I’ve fought for and passed laws for our neighborhoods, renters’ rights, and affordable housing. I’ll bring this experience to the Seattle City Council. As your Councilmember, I’ll work to make our city more welcoming, affordable, and livable for all of our neighbors; especially those who’ve been pushed out and marginalized by the lack of affordable housing and rising housing costs.
Creating a safe and affordable city:
As your current Seattle School Board Director, I’m honored to work every day on behalf of our students, teachers, and families. Students must have safe and stable access to housing. If they’re hungry or worried about where they’re sleeping, they can’t learn. We know that the problems that students and families face span well outside of the classroom.
We know that the majority of our neighbors experiencing homelessness are from here, which means we’re failing our residents long before they’re living outside. Our low-income and fixed-income residents are getting priced out of Seattle. Gun violence has become a common threat for young black and brown folks. Small businesses struggle to survive. It’s time for representation who will listen and act urgently to address these issues. I’ll continue advocating strongly not only for students and families but for all of us by prioritizing action over talk on issues around workers’ rights, LGBTQ rights, the climate crisis, public safety, homelessness, housing affordability, transportation, and our city’s basic functions.
Proudly endorsed by Seattle City Councilmembers Lorena Gonzalez and Teresa Mosqueda; Seattle Port Commissioner Ryan Calkins; Seattle School Board Directors Leslie Harris, Rick Burke, Jill Geary, Scott Pinkham, Eden Mack, and Betty Patu; King County Young Democrats, and many others.
Pat Murakami
1143 MLK Way, #30
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 383-3384
I am prepared to address the issues facing our city. I would like your vote because we need to take on housing access and affordability as the root cause of the stresses faced by Seattle residents, address our drug epidemic, and ensure equitable development designed to meet the needs of underserved communities.
I graduated from the University of Washington (BAs in Sociology and Business Administration) and earned an MBA from the University of Puget Sound. I’ve owned a small IT firm for 30+ years, bought my first home in the Central District, and have tirelessly worked for decades to improve our community. I’ve served as President of the South Seattle Crime Prevention Council, Mount Baker Community Club, and Cleveland High School PTSA. I have lived in District 3 for over 40 years.
As a member of the Seattle Public Schools Closure Committee, I fought to protect schools from closure in areas where population growth was expected, and to ensure equity for low-income and minority students. I disagreed with the District’s plan, which resulted in disproportionate harm to those students.
As your Councilmember, I will ensure the residents and small businesses of our district come first.
We must take decisive action to increase the supply of truly affordable housing. We must enact a 15% foreign buyers’ tax on real estate purchases, similarly to Vancouver, B.C., which Oxford University academics found resulted in immediate improvements in housing affordability. We should require mandatory affordable units in all new developments and preserve our existing stock of affordable housing. We can reduce property taxes and rents by reducing City budget bloat. Adding housing supply without decisive measures to address affordability is not working.
I will develop programs to facilitate home ownership, create a community-owned and operated grocery store in the Central District, and advance economic development that provides living-wage jobs. We must end gentrification to preserve the diversity of our neighborhoods and prevent the middle class from sliding further down the economic ladder. We must open residential treatment programs to address our drug crisis.
As your Councilmember, I will be accessible to you in our District and respect your time. I will change our procedures to increase participation and accessibility for Seattle residents, including developing options for remote testimony and holding Council meetings in the evenings to allow more people to participate.
I can deliver reasonable, progressive, practical change. We can do better…together.
Egan Orion
1143 Martin Luther King Jr Way #33
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 620-0404
It’s Time For A Fresh Start in City Hall. We need a new council member who welcomes input, shows up and listens, and gets results for all of us. I’ve always believed that when we take time to listen, celebrate the diversity of people and ideas, and focus on outcomes and not ideology, we can make real, positive change.
I’m proud of my experience building and managing Seattle’s largest single festival day, PrideFest, my active leadership in LGBTQ community and culture, and day-to-day work with our diverse, vibrant Capitol Hill businesses. On the City Council my door will always be open, and I’ll always put your needs first.
Expand All Types of Housing: Recent zoning changes promise much-needed affordable housing, but we need to do more. We also need options like duplexes, triplexes, and small multi-family buildings with single floor living for ADA accessibility and for seniors to age in place.
Build New Supportive Housing: We spend millions to assist the chronically homeless, but in high cost, temporary shelter. We need a focus on proven solutions like permanent supportive housing, and regional approaches to mental health and addiction that will result in better outcomes.
Real Help for Renters: Many renters are one financial emergency or rent increase away from eviction. Renters should have three month notice on any increases, and increases should be no more than 10% a year. We must provide financial assistance to bridge emergencies and robust legal support so renters can level the playing field with landlords in Seattle’s expensive and volatile housing market.
Expand Opportunity for New Small Business Owners: Because of systemic hurdles, people of color, LGBTQ people, and women often have a harder time starting businesses, and lack advocacy in City Hall. I’ll build on my existing work to connect these neighbors to city services and the capital to start and maintain a successful business.
Innovating to Combat Climate Change: Let’s expand our adoption of carbon reduction policies, from transportation electrification to flexible scheduling, and work with City Light so that Seattle becomes a leader on solar and wind energy. Let’s work with builders, architects and advanced material developers to provide opportunities and incentives for green building and remodels.
I was raised by educators in a union household, and I’m the fourth generation of my family to call District 3 home. We have real work to do! Let’s get it done!
I’ve used my two terms in City Hall to help build powerful movements of working people to win historic victories in the face of fierce corporate opposition.
I’m proud to have helped lead the way in making Seattle the first major city to win the $15 minimum wage, through a coalition with labor unions, community organizations, and grassroots activists. Since then, I've worked alongside movements to win tens of millions of dollars for affordable housing and services, and landmark renters’ rights laws, such as the move-in fee payment plan, so renters no longer need thousands of dollars just to move in. We replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day, gained crucial funding for LGBTQ services, protected the Showbox, and won the first-ever city funds for legal support to help renters facing eviction.
Seattle is rapidly becoming unaffordable for working people, small businesses, and people of color. The for-profit housing market has failed us. Our city has led in the number of construction cranes four years running, yet the housing and homelessness crisis remains among the worst in the nation, including 4,200 homeless students in Seattle’s schools.
That’s why we’re building a movement for citywide rent control, free of corporate loopholes. We also need a massive expansion of social housing for working people, to build tens of thousands of publicly-owned affordable homes, paid for by taxing big business. We need a Green New Deal for working people, to make Seattle 100% renewable by 2030, and create thousands of union jobs.
What’s at stake this year is who runs Seattle - big business or working people. Last year, Jeff Bezos bullied our city to defeat the Amazon Tax, which would have funded housing and services.
Now Amazon is trying to buy this election, and has put $200,000 into a Chamber of Commerce warchest of three quarters of a million dollars. Their mission: Anybody but Kshama Sawant. Why? Because they know I am unshakably accountable to working people.
Seattle’s political establishment has failed to address the deep crisis of affordable housing and homelessness. That’s why we need you to join our grassroots movement.
As a socialist, feminist, and union member, I’m proud to be endorsed by National Women's Political Caucus, and workers in public schools, healthcare, universities, hotels, the postal service, including SEIU 1199NW, UNITE HERE 8, UAW 4121, Laborers 1239, WFSE 1488, WFSE 3488, WFSE 304, APWU Seattle, Operating Engineers 609.
I am the daughter of Vietnamese refugees who relied on subsidized housing and public education. My upbringing and work as a public defense attorney have taught me the importance of compassion and accountability. I am running for Seattle City Council because we need to ensure that the policies we pass in City Hall will work to improve our city. Peoples’ lives, livelihoods, and future generations rely on the City Council working together. As a candidate, I am not taking any corporate funding because I’m representing people.
Homelessness Crisis: It is not a crime to be poor. I have in depth experience to address our homelessness crisis. Almost daily, I work people who are homeless, struggling with mental illness, and/or fighting addiction. We need to coordinate housing efforts between existing non-profits and discontinue failing programs.
Knowing that we need long-term solutions, I will work toward a five-year plan that increasingly invests in supportive permanent housing and job training programs and decreasingly relies on temporary emergency shelters.
Community Safety: Our homelessness crisis has added to the anxiety level in Seattle making our community feel less safe. We need to ensure that mental health and chemical dependency treatment is accessible to reduce relapse and/or repeat offenses.
A More Affordable Seattle: Seattle needs to continue investing in affordable housing development, but affordability is more than just housing costs. We need to develop affordable transportation and childcare options for working families of all incomes. I support City-provided wrap-around services at schools that are struggling, including social services to support the 4,000 homeless children attending Seattle Public Schools.
Financial Accountability: Every family has a budget, so does the City. We need to be smarter about how we spend the money we have and access county and state funding for regional issues.
We need to elect council members who not only share our values, but will also collaborate with other council members to make policies that improve our city for all residents at all income levels and from every walk of life. As a person who has overcome childhood poverty with the help of social services, I will ensure that our programs are effective and financially accountable to all tax payers. Together, we can make Seattle a city for all of us.
I am honored to be endorsed by the King County Young Democrats and community members like Frank Irigon and Cheryl Berenson.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
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