2019 primary election
City of North Bend
Rob McFarland
PO BOX 1861
(425) 429-2149
Community. Commitment. Experience. North Bend is a wonderful caring community with a meaningful past and promising future. For over 20 years I’ve worked to keep us just that by promoting businesses serving our needs and connecting new and old neighbors to each other to ensure a vibrant community.
Engaging hundreds of citizens over years as a North Bend Parks and Planning Commissioner, together with multiple local nonprofit/service organizations, I have listened and learned. You have told me affordable housing and transportation relief are your top priorities. Housing choice is unbalanced; our children, seniors and workforce can’t afford to live here. We need to solve traffic congestion, parking and create a thriving business hub.
As your Mayor I will be thoughtful, visible, and approachable as we work toward solutions. My proven collaborative leadership style will, with your help, guide us on the path that delivers success. I’m asking for your vote.
Travis Bridgman
713 Ogle Ave NE
North Bend, WA 98045
(425) 522-3582
Qualities & Ambitions Infrastructure, Wildlife: Fun, Social Gathering Facilities, Parks, Schools, Education, Wilderness, Nourishment, Community and the infrastructure that connects Us & Pets Together, Our Guests, Our Futures, Our Safety, Our Community. Welcoming to Tourist & Us. Let’s Thrive, Smile and be happy belonging in Our Mountain Community.
A willingness to ' Listen: Learn to grant encouragement and collective connections for involvement. Let's learn more about Our Intelligent, bright passionate people & Organizations in Our community and join together support listen to learn and be enthusiastically active. Please ask Us about the 37+ Government, Civic, Social groups.
We humbly and respectfully request Your support Our election process and Our Community. Please Vote, be Welcome & participate in our beautiful Community. I Hope to have the privilege to continue Our conversation and be a part of the November Elections ' Please Vote Mayor Travis Bridgman of North Bend.
Since moving to downtown North Bend several years ago, my wife and I became involved with local non-profits, festivals and events. We live on one of the major intersections in town and every day I see the massive impact development has on traffic, the impact on our streets and sidewalks, and every time I pay my water and my sewer bill.
I have over 30 years of management experience, from proudly serving in the U.S. Navy to leading non-profit organizations to my current position of IT Management. I don’t own a business nor am I in real estate. I am a citizen just like you who is tired of feeling like the city taking advantage of us.
We deserve a fresh set of eyes and an open mind. My commitment is to you and the City of North Bend. I humbly ask for your vote.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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