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City of Normandy Park

Council Position 3

Terry West

Terry West

17946 Riviera Pl SW

Normandy Park, WA 98166

(206) 243-2724


As a long-time resident of Normandy Park I believe it is imperative that the City Council represent the community members and not self interests. The council needs to bring people together, not divide them. The City Council must be representative of the people who live here and support the volunteers that in turn are vital to the growth and morale of the community.

No photo submitted

Dan Hignite

17837 1st Ave S

Normandy Park, WA 98148

(206) 330-6709

Education: No information submitted
Occupation: No information submitted

No information submitted

Shawn McEvoy

Shawn McEvoy

872 S.W.174th St.

Normandy Park, WA 98166

(206) 242-8272

Education: LEEDS Accredited Profesional, University of Washington 1973-75
Occupation: Small business owner, Real Estate Broker, Construction Profesional

Normandy Park is in trouble. Within the past three and half years ,we've lost five seasoned police officers through resignation or "retirement ". Two Councilmembers, two planning Commissioners, and three Arts Commissioners have quit in protest as well.  Citizens are angry and frustrated . We have a crisis of confidence in our city. We need experienced, transparent leadership now.


I have the experience you deserve.  I've served as your Mayor for five years, City Councilmember for over 15 years. I know our community and care deeply for it. I'm an effective leader and consensus builder. I've served  as President /Boardmember of the Normandy Park Community Club "Cove" for 12 years, revitalizing it and putting it in solid financial position. I believe I can do the same for our wonderful city. I look forward to serving you !

Jonathan Chicquette

Jonathan Chicquette

17837 1st Ave S, #532

Normandy Park, WA 98148

(206) 717-5037


Normandy Park deserves a leader that understands the needs of the city, listens to new ideas, and makes sound choices based on facts. We deserve a leader that serves the community with practical action, working tirelessly to improve our local businesses by fostering sustainable economics. A leader that understands how to set the city on a successful path that serves generations of Parkers. I am that leader. Resilient. Candid. Dependable.


Normandy Park is my home, and the people of this city are family. My efforts reflect a vision to preserve the unique hidden gem we are today while aiming to enhance the natural beauty, peace, and safety of our community. In the last four years, as part of the City Council, I have set the stage for greater things to come. Together, we can continue making Normandy Park the best city it can be. I humbly ask for your vote!

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