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City of Mercer Island

Council Position 7

Debbie Bertlin

Debbie Bertlin

7225 SE 27th St

Mercer Island, WA 98040

Education: MIHS; Stanford University, BA and MA; University Sussex-MA-Philosophy
Occupation: Strategy, Sales Leadership at Microsoft, Oracle (US, Asia, Africa, Europe)

I am a lifetime Islander and have proudly served this innovative, caring community as Councilmember for the past 7 years.


Through collaboration and positivity, I have advanced smart public-private partnerships, securing Islander-dedicated parking at the Tully’s site, innovative pilots with Lyft and Uber, and MICA’s new location. I have applied business acumen to City needs, enhancing YFS funding by growing Thrift Store revenues 36% in 5 years. I will continue partnering with MISD to ensure public safety includes our children’s emotional and physical well-being. By funding parks and green spaces, our tree canopy has grown 8%. Successfully advocating for Islanders regionally, I chair the Eastside Transportation Partners and Caucus of the Growth Management Planning Council.


Endorsements: State Rep Senn, Councilmember Wong, Former Mayor Clibborn, Jody Kris, Tim Punke, Maggie Tai Tucker, Greg Gottesman. I ask for your support and partnership to continue building a bright future for our Island.

No photo submitted

Robin C. Russell

PO Box 1383

Mercer Island, WA 98040

(206) 419-3498

Education: Western Washington University, BA Speech Communications; BA Business Administration
Occupation: Trust and Investments Banking (Retired), Community Advocate

Mercer Island is a special community. I moved here from Seattle for the respite it offers and to be near my parents. I treasure our Community-it’s vast parklands, dedication to seniors and schools and quick access to the region.


I value accountability, fiscal responsibility, transparency and trust. I am committed to islanders having a real voice in what happens to our community. The Bus Intercept will impact our transportation and pedestrian traffic and must be managed and negotiated properlly prior to implementation. I have the skills drawing on my 35-year Banking career to make this happen. I bring open, honest and clear communication. 


It would be an honor to work with you bringing us together during this time of challenge and change. We are better together. I appreciate your vote

Jake Jacobson

Jake Jacobson

4033 83rd Avenue S.E.

Mercer Island, WA 98040

(206) 280-5303

Education: Princeton University, AB Politics; Stanford University Law School, JD
Occupation: Executive Vice President, Osborne Construction Company; Washington/Alaska Bar Association member

I moved to Mercer Island 30 years ago because of the City’s schools, single family neighborhoods, marvelous parks, trails and beaches and easy access to Bellevue and Seattle.


For the past 20+ years, I have been a construction general contractor executive.    I am a member of the Washington and Alaska Bar Associations and have practiced law in both states.


I will address issues from the perspective of what is best for the greater good of the local community first, aligning our policies with those of other governmental entities when feasible. However, we face challenges to ensure that: Aubrey Davis Park remains a park and not a transportation corridor; the integrity of single family neighborhoods is protected from spot zoning; a sustainable fiscal model for the City is developed and implemented; our parks, trails and beaches remain unique community attributes; we address our aging water infrastructure; and the City Council listens.

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