2019 primary election
City of Lake Forest Park
Council Position 6
Being Successful Together
As a member of your City Council, I have brought meaningful reform to city government and collaboratively tackled the tough issues that we face in our City.
Preserving the Character of LFP
I have worked extensively with our citizens to improve our city code to ensure the natural environment and small town character of LFP is preserved in the face of town center redevelopment and ST3. Championing the Environment With the strong support of the community, I authored and guided passage of one of Washington’s most comprehensive plastics ordinances. I also helped facilitate the acquisition of Five Acre Woods and Big Tree property. Ensuring the Safety of our Citizens I have consistently advocated for reduced speed limits, safer pedestrian crossings and new sidewalks to help mitigate the rising tide of traffic. I hope you will join me as we work towards a more innovative and inclusive government.
I am running for Lake Forest Park City Council because I am concerned about the Lake Forest Park Town Center redevelopment project.
Lake Forest Park is within King County's Urban Growth Area, so increased density is necessary to meet Washington State Growth Management Act targets. However, it is possible for the inevitable growth to happen in a way that is in scale with the surrounding neighborhood, and respectful of those who live nearby in the community.
I have been a public servant for over 20 years, and I take my responsibilities to the public seriously. As a representative of the Lake Forest Park community, I would welcome your input, suggestions, and concerns. I will listen to you in a respectful manner. If I don't have an answer, I will find the person who does and respond to you in a timely manner. You will not be ignored.
Tracy Furutani
12345 Lake City Way NE #472
Seattle, WA 98125
One of the things I love about Lake Forest Park is that you can see it just by looking at Google Maps: We’re the green spot at the north end of Lake Washington.
As a small business owner, I am keenly aware of the effect of taxes and regulations, and want to keep the hand of Lake Forest Park municipal government light. As a union activist, I have experience negotiating and finding consensus in difficult situations, And, as a teacher, I know the importance of clear communication and accountability, and I will strive to bring those traits to my role in the community.
If you want to see Lake Forest Park stay green, if you’re concerned about the pro-growth direction the city has taken in the past few years, if you simply want to this city to take a more active role in county-wide and regional initiatives, please support me.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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