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City of Burien

Council Position 6

Sofia Aragon

Sofia Aragon

P.O. Box 48004

Burien, WA 98148

(206) 778-2891

Education: BA, Economics, UW; BS Nursing, Seattle University; JD, Loyola University
Occupation: Executive Director, Washington Center For Nursing

Burien has always been a great place to raise families and I want to keep it that way. As a nurse, I’ll work for a healthy, inclusive and safe Burien starting with reducing homelessness and increasing affordable housing. I’ll work to keep Burien affordable by increasing housing near transit, developing mixed use projects downtown and adequately funding human services. I’ll work to reduce homelessness by working with regional partners, business and non-profits to prioritize long-term housing, ensure fair housing laws and improve mental health and drug treatment. I’ll fight for living wage jobs, reduce barriers for small business, prioritize public safety, recruit new businesses and improve opportunities for women and people of color. Endorsed: MLK Labor Council, 33rd District Democrats, Mayor Jimmy Matta, Nancy Tosta, Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, and more. I would love to be your next advocate on the Burien City Council.

Robert L. Richmond, III

Robert L. Richmond, III

15838 10th Ave SW

Burien, WA 98166

(206) 852-5736

Education: Cleveland High School c/o 89
Occupation: Technical Recruiter

My name is Robert L Richmond III, I am running for Burien City Council Position #6. I would like to turn Burien into a Power Utility and use those profits to do our part in battling the homeless issue we have.


W2E, or gasification, is basically the process of turning All waste (except nuclear) into energy such as jet fuel, natural gas and electricity. We will work with other cities to import their waste, again all kinds and convert it to a power source. We will sell power (i.e. natural gas and electricity) to SeaTac, Normandy Park and Des Moines and jet fuel to the Airport. The profits from this effort will be in the ten's of millions of dollars. Please see /waste to fuel. Each machine will power a community with a population of approximately fifty thousand. With a yes vote we will have great achievements ahead! 

Debi Wagner

Debi Wagner

P O Box 238

Seahurst, WA 98062

(206) 241-1553

Education: Highline College, Advanced Classical Music Training, Community Police Academy
Occupation: Market Research, Music Teacher, Non Profit Treasurer, Author, Advisory Boards

Burien needs to get back on track! With the right leadership, Burien has the potential to be a safe, dynamic city. I’m the candidate with the experience and knowledge to provide that leadership.


My goals include: Increased, focused anti-gang policing; Policing for actual reduced crime for residents-increased Neighborhood Block-Watches; Open, transparent, fiscally responsible government -I listen to residents and businesses; No new flight paths through Burien-Support of Quiet Skies; Protection, support of small businesses; High quality economic development; Protection of the character of single-family neighborhoods by Comprehensive Planning; Successful Housing First models to address homelessness, no tent or shack camps. I volunteer with Transform Burien and understand homelessness issues; Supportive health and welfare protections for residents No heroin injections sites- (SIS); Increased youth recreational, mentorship and educational opportunities; like Youth Police Explorers


My husband and I raised our children here. I’m passionate about Burien. I would appreciate your vote.

16 en-US Production

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