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City of Bellevue

Council Position 5

Janice Zahn

Janice Zahn

11900 NE 1st St, #300

Bellevue, WA 98005

(425) 200-5525

Education: B.S. and M.S. Civil Engineering and Masters of Public Administration, University of Washington; Leadership Eastside
Occupation: Bellevue City Councilmember; Public Works Construction Manager, Port of Seattle

I’m running for re-election because fiscally responsible, people-first, and workable solutions matter. As a 25-year resident, first-generation immigrant and mom, I will continue to guide our city with Integrity, Inclusion and Innovation, and be your Bellevue voice. As your councilmember, we’ve connected at community and business events, and neighborhood gatherings. I’ve heard your concerns, explored new ideas and developed partnerships. 


I’ve championed for strategic investments in public safety (Police and Fire), infrastructure and neighborhoods (enhancement projects). I’ve built relationships and collaborated regionally to tackle pressing issues, adopted key policies to manage growth, ease traffic congestion, address housing affordability and preserve our unique neighborhoods. All while protecting our precious environment, engaging our amazingly diverse communities and implementing smart technologies that make Bellevue the incredible city we love.


I humbly ask for your vote, so that together, we can keep Bellevue a welcoming place where all can thrive.


Endorsed: Congressman Smith; Attorney General Ferguson; former Governor Locke; Senators Kuderer and Wellman; Representatives Senn, Slatter, Thai, and Walen; County Executive Constantine; County Councilmember Balducci; Bellevue Mayor Chelminiak; Deputy Mayor Robinson; Kirkland, Issaquah and Mercer Island Mayors; Firefighters; Democrats; National Women’s Political Caucus; Affordable Housing Council; Realtors; Sierra Club, Transportation for Washington, and more!

Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson

2633 166th Ave SE

Bellevue, WA 98008

(425) 444-1770

Education: BA, Business Admin, BAS, Accounting Science, University of Puget Sound; MBA, City University of Seattle
Occupation: Financial Manager, Consulting & Forensic Accountant

I have been a Bellevue resident for most of my life.  I have witnessed it grow from that suburb across the lake to a major metropolitan center in its own right.  We all know that growth has brought with it new challenges.  Among which are such issues as maintaining and improving Bellevue’s infrastructure, managing Bellevue’s growing financial demands, finding a fair and equitable way to assist the homeless, supporting neighborhood values, and combating the unfortunate increase in criminal activity that the city is experiencing.  My job on the Bellevue City Council will be to work with other council members, as well as city management and law enforcement, and the greater Bellevue community, to find realistic and doable resolutions to the challenges that face us.


I bring with me an extensive background in financial and business management.  I’m know by those who I’ve worked with over the years as a focused problem solver who goes out of his way to listen and communicate with others.  I am proud to be a part of the Bellevue community and its “can do” attitude.  Rest assured, I will bring that same “can do” attitude to the Bellevue City Council.  I’m here for you.



PO BOX 53202

Belleuve, WA 98015

(206) 771-5577

Education: MS. EE SUNY Buffalo; Bellevue Essentials 2016; Finance Retirement&Pensions Certificate Stanford; Technology Management Certificate UW
Occupation: Principal Engineer System Architect T-Mobile, Bellevue Diversity Advisory Network Member

Bellevue is a wonderful city with great potential, ambition for excellence, vision and goals. We should take every step to improve quality of life of our residents and promote economic development. We need countable and trustable leaders to get the right things done in the right way, and I am such a leader!


I came to United States from China as a student to study and pursue the American Dream. I live in Bellevue with my wife, 13-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter, both born in Overlake Hospital. As a system architect, I take responsibility for technical decisions and risks, and take the lead on solution delivery. I believe technology can make Bellevue a smart city. I have good knowledge in finance, which allows me to evaluate financial efficiency of government spending.


Social responsibility is an important part of my life. I am an appointed member of the Bellevue Diversity Advisory Network to help the city build inclusive communities. I took a 3-year term as a board member of Somerset Community Association and was a member of the Covenant Review Committee to support community and home improvement planning.


I listen carefully, I am for you! I humbly ask for your vote.

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