2019 primary election
City of Bellevue
Council Position 1
Holly Zhang
P.O. Box 6845
Bellevue, WA 98008
(425) 577-7253
Holly Zhang, 45 years old, youthful and energetic, is a successful Bellevue businesswoman. She has a proven track record of community involvement by investing her time, energy and leadership into building a successful business that has provided job opportunities and contributed to Bellevue’s economy. Additionally, Holly has led numerous charity events for many years which have benefited hospitals statewide.
Looking to the future and to broadening her impact, Holly brings fresh ideas to further strengthen Bellevue. Holly will be a powerful advocate for strong families and progressive initiatives in education. She seeks safe neighborhoods and crime prevention, improving transit options to reduce traffic congestion, fiscal responsibility, and practical solutions on housing.
Holly overcame poverty and adversity as a young girl in rural China. She and her husband have a daughter who turns 2 in September. "Teaching good values to my daughter, and providing a good future for all the children of Bellevue, are priorities for me,” Holly says. As a beneficiary of the American dream, she knows that is important to ensure all Bellevue residents have the support necessary to lead productive lives in a safe environment.
After two terms representing you, I’m proud of my proven track record standing up for all of Bellevue—seniors, children, working families, and neighbors across our city.
As co-founder of Eastside Pathways, a Bellevue Schools Foundation Trustee, and a PTA leader, I’ve fought for investments in our students and closing the opportunity gap. Serving on the Eastside Transportation Partnership Committee, I’ve expanded transit options to increase mobility and reduce traffic. As a member and chair of multiple conservation committees, I’ve fought for clean water, salmon and essential environmental protections. I’ve also led the passage of the Downtown Livability Initiative to better prepare us for growth, density, and preservation of our neighborhoods and communities.
I have earned the support of leaders across the Eastside because I bring a thoughtful, positive, and effective approach to governing. I’m proudly supported by Congressman Smith, Lt. Governor Habib, County Executive Constantine, Councilmember Balducci, every legislator representing Bellevue, Mayor Chelminiac, Deputy Mayor Robinson, Councilmember Zahn, Bellevue Firefighters, Democrats, and Realtors.
As we continue to grow, it’s clear we have new challenges ahead of us and more work to do. I would greatly appreciate your support for another four years of pragmatic, progressive leadership and productive, meaningful solutions.
Martin Acevedo
PO BOX 6912
(425) 310-2001
#IamBellevue What does it mean to be a part of Bellevue? Our city is a place where we can all thrive. Our diversity is our strength. A majority of Bellevue is of minority descent. As a Mexican American, I appreciate the opportunities Bellevue provides.
I earned my first degree at Bellevue College, leading to a UW Psychology degree studying mindfulness techniques to prevent addiction relapse. I’ll bring that compassionate perspective to the Council, finding nuanced solutions to complex challenges. My graduate training in business and finance will be useful in managing growth, planning for traffic solutions, and increasing government transparency and community involvement.
I raised my wonderful step-children here and will preserve and enhance what Bellevue offers families. I started my investment company in Bellevue, and my personal passion is teaching Entrepreneurship to the next generation.
I currently serve as a Bellevue Civil Service Commissioner for our fantastic police and fire departments. I will focus on developing Bellevue into an innovation and entrepreneurship powerhouse, without sacrificing our neighborhood quality of life. A vote for me is a vote for our future. A vote for someone who will truly listen. Let’s vote for change, Bellevue. I am here to serve you.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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