2019 primary election
Metropolitan King County
Council District No. 8
As your King County Councilmember, Sound Transit Boardmember and member of the King County Board of Health – building a just, equitable and thriving King County is the mission for my work every day.
Good transit means opportunity for everyone. That’s why I am leading the effort to secure a tunnel for light rail into West Seattle, delivering Rapid Ride bus service to Delridge and Burien, and ensuring Metro and Sound Transit prioritize equitable fares and fare enforcement. Solving our homelessness crisis means solving our housing crisis, which is why I passed legislation dedicating $660 million in lodging taxes to affordable housing and am shaping the Council’s work creating a coordinated, regional response for homeless services.
A welcoming King County means a safe King County. That’s why I introduced and passed the King County Gun Safety Action Plan last year, common sense laws and programs focused on saving lives. And I developed the Immigrant and Refugee Resilience Fund and sponsored the Immigrant and Refugee Commission to support residents across the County.
I would be honored to continue this mission, from Tukwila to White Center, Burien to Vashon, West Seattle to First Hill, together with you for the next four years.
10219 9th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98168
(206) 601-8172
With the International Space Station, we Earthlings have obtained a finger-tip hold in the beginning of our Orbital Space Age. Please think of yourselves as being passengers or crew members on our Spaceship Earth. (Our world is a spaceship, traveling through space, around our Sun, once a year, and with our Sun, we are traveling within our Milky Way Galaxy, a spinning cloud of billions and billions of solar systems.)
Let’s clean and beautify touristic King County. Let’s raise the living standard in King County on Spaceship Earth by using the power of the voluntary, competitive, consumer-serving, free market.
Let’s abolish the job-destroying minimum wage which creates so many homeless, unemployed, problem, poor people and panhandlers and shop-lifters and muggers. Bad law has created misery and criminals!
By defending the profit incentive of the free market, we can increase jobs. More profit, more jobs. Let’s create more knowledge, profit, jobs, productivity, and a living standard rising high up into the sky towards the coming orbital space habitat homes, where we can learn how to live in space before going to Mars. Also, let’s reduce frustration by making it easier to park in touristic, welcoming King County.
Michael Robert Neher
7266 8th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98108
In February 2018, I attended a social event organized by a group of concerned Seattle voters. As the event began, everyone introduced themselves and their issues of concern. They spoke of close calls with violent, intoxicated individuals, inadequate police response times and the need to get our most vulnerable off the streets. Every single speaker was almost apologetic for voicing their concerns for their family, neighbors and their City.
That night I decided to help these voters in their efforts to reclaim the City of Seattle for their families and neighbors. I am most proud of my efforts that helped stop the head tax and assisting efforts to hold local government accountable.
My goal is to represent the citizens of my district with honesty, dignity and transparency. We are in desperate need of councilmembers that work for us and our needs as a community. We must realign spending priorities and stop funding failing programs in order to get the money to people that need support. Heroin injection sites should be banned, and funding provided for treatment and counseling.
I will bring your concerns and issues to the council and will fight for all of the people in my district.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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