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Northeast Electoral District

Judge Position 7

Donna Tucker

Donna Tucker

6947 Coal Creek Pkwy SE 268

Newcastle, WA 98059

(425) 233-8858

Education: J.D. Seattle University School of Law; B.A. Political Science, Seattle Pacific University
Occupation: Chief Presiding Judge King County District Court

Thank you for the opportunity to serve our community for the past eight years.  I consider it a privilege to serve as a King County District Court judge and I appreciate your vote of support.  I have enjoyed my work as the Chief Presiding Judge, cooperating with the other judges and the Court Administration staff to fulfill the Court Mission: To provide an accessible forum for the fair, efficient and understandable resolution of civil and criminal cases and maintaining an atmosphere of respect for the dignity of individuals.


I will continue to uphold and promote the Independence, Integrity, and Impartiality of the Court. I have strived to perform my duties competently,and diligently while applying the law fairly and impartially with an objective and open mind. I allow every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding before me, or that person's lawyer, the right to be heard according to law. I will continue to be Patient, Dignified and Courteous to everyone with whom I meet as a judge and I will expect the same conduct of everyone working in or for the courts.  


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