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Houghton Community Municipal Corporation

Council Position 2

Betsy Pringle

Betsy Pringle

5821 109th Ave NE

KIrkland, WA 98033

(425) 444-8936

Education: Bachelor’s in English and Journalism, University of Kansas
Occupation: Senior Editor, becker&mayer! books and SmartLab Toys

Land-use affects many areas of our lives. As Kirkland continues to grow and change, the Community Council’s review of comprehensive plan and zoning code changes provides an additional forum for citizens to be involved in these important decisions.


When residents feel their voices are heard, they’re more inclined to trust in local government. I’m encouraged by the thoughtful and constructive comments we receive at public meetings and through emails, and I believe this robust level of public analysis and debate makes for better land-use policies.


It’s been an honor to serve on the Houghton Community Council, and I’m proud of the Council’s contributions to Houghton and the City of Kirkland.

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