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Skykomish School District 404

Director Position 1

Ginnie Eburn

Ginnie Eburn

PO Box 112

Skykomish, Wa 98288

(425) 772-2842

Education: ATA-Chemical Dependency Counseling, Edmonds Community College 1994
Occupation: United States Postal Service 2012-Current. 1992-2010, Chemical Dependency Counseling field.

I am passionate about enhancing and maintaining a high quality of education and accountability for the Skykomish School District.  I understand the relationship between strong schools and strong communities.  Strong communities build strong futures for their children.  Responsible budgets support quality education with authentic outcomes.  Healthy boundaries between administration, teachers, parents and the community allow expectations that are a balance of challenges met with support.  I look forward to serving our community and the Skykomish School District.  


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