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City of Woodinville

Council Position 1

Paula Waters

Paula Waters

PO Box 2836

Woodinville, WA 98072

(425) 481-2758

Education: Class of 2018: Leadership Eastside. Bachelor of Liberal (interdisciplinary) Studies - UW-Bothell.
Occupation: City Councilmember.

My goal if re-elected to City Council is to realize the vision of our downtown described in the City’s recently updated Comprehensive Plan. That means protecting and enhancing our neighborhoods while promoting a downtown that is walkable, bike-able, leafy, green, environmentally sustainable, culturally enriching, and architecturally exemplary, where interesting and smart people want to live with their families, where Woodinville’s empty-nesters can downsize, and where people who work here can also live. It’s time to make this idea real.


I am a former Woodinville Planning Commissioner, elected chair 3 times; formerly active in parent-involved preschools; a former PACE parent; member of 21 Acres and the Sierra Club. I have served 4 years as City Council representative to regional transportation, solid waste, and salmon recovery boards and committees, and to the Woodinville Chamber of Commerce.

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