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City of Shoreline

Council Position 7

Christopher Roberts

Christopher Roberts

18333 3rd Ave NE

Shoreline, WA 98155

(206) 552-9160

Education: Ph.D., University of Washington; Bachelor of Arts, Willamette University
Occupation: Mayor, City of Shoreline; Consultant, Frabert Services

I’m humbled by the opportunity to serve as your mayor.


Over the past four years we came together to become a more sustainable city. We adopted fiscal policies to keep the City’s budget balanced, prioritizing public safety and the maintenance of city roads, parks, and surface water assets. We reaffirmed our commitment to address climate change and improve our urban forest. I am proud we now provide paid family leave to City employees.


We still have more work ahead to strengthen the vibrant communities in our City. We must: continue improving our public outreach to ensure that our entire community can participate in a meaningful way; foster a strong business climate; and address the lack of affordable housing so we all can continue to work and raise a family in Shoreline.   

I pledge to keep listening to your concerns and being your advocate on the Council. I’d appreciate your vote.

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