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City of North Bend

Council Position 4

Ross Loudenback

Ross Loudenback

640 SE 5th St

North Bend, WA 98045

(425) 888-3708

Education: BBA, New Mexico State University
Occupation: Territory Manager - SKF USA

We moved to North Bend 25 years ago, probably for the same reason many of you did- it is a beautiful place to live. I am committed to preserving our small town environment.


As a Councilmember for 8 years, my accomplishments include: exiting the water moratorium, transitioning to a community based police department, construction of our new fire station, adopting moratoriums to slow growth, redevelopment of Torguson Park and hiring a Communications Coordinator for citizen outreach. My regional Valley work includes Sound Cities Association, Snoqualmie Watershed Forum, and President of the Snoqualmie Valley Governments Association.


As much as we have accomplished, there is still more to do. It is imperative that our roadways receive proper maintenance and our sewer plant is upgraded.  I have the experience, knowledge and leadership skills to accomplish these challenges in a cost-effective manner for you.


I ask for your support on election day.

Rich Wiltshire

Rich Wiltshire

PO Box 2083

North Bend, WA 98043

(425) 295-4686

Education: No education submitted
Occupation: Project Management

North Bend is a great community with great people and amazing views.


The City touts we are the premier outdoor adventure destination for Puget Sound. However, that is not where they are leading us:


Development is at an all-time high and getting worse.


Traffic is unbearable.


Water rights are almost gone.


Sewer rates are doubling.


To address these issues and more, we must ensure that the citizens’ voices and concerns are heard. I have plans to do this. Among them are: convenient meeting times for citizens so more people can attend, greater transparency in all City business, and the creation of a Citizen Review Board to keep decision making on track.


We must have infrastructure in place before we allow growth. That is the smart thing to do, which is why I am running for City Council.


We need change, not business as usual.


I humbly ask for your vote.

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