2017 general election
City of Federal Way
Municipal Court Judge 1
Rebecca C. Robertson
717 Tacoma Ave S. Ste. C
Tacoma, Wa 98042
(401) 542-0621
I have been honored to serve as a Judge in Federal Way for almost eight years. During that time myself, Judge David Larson, and the entire court staff have strived to make Federal Way Municipal Court one of the best in the state. Helping to improve public safety, protecting individual rights and liberties, and making the community a better place are the best parts of this job.
During my time as one of your judges, I have also served on the District and Municipal Court Judges' Association Board and am currently President-Elect. I am Chair of the Trial Court Security Committee, and was a member of the District and Municipal Court Judges' Association Rules Committee and the Taskforce on Public Defender Standards. These organizations seek to improve the justice system locally and state wide.
I hope to continue this important work. Thank you for your vote.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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