2017 general election
City of Duvall
Council Position 2
My primary goal as a City of Duvall Council member will be to work with the Council, the Mayor and City of Duvall employees to ensure responsible management of City policies and efficient use of resources on behalf of the residents of Duvall. The Northwest region, including Duvall, is experiencing a time of growth and prosperity; both are encouraging and concerning. I see the benefits to our growing community of the addition of great people, good regional jobs and increased revenues. I can also appreciate the concern of increased traffic and the anxiety of the fast pace of change. I will do my best to represent the residents of Duvall by listening and making informed decisions to help manage this growth with the goal of maintaining Duvall's identity as a small town.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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