2017 general election
City of Des Moines
Council Position 5
Traci Buxton
P O Box 13002
Des Moines, WA 98198
(206) 251-2719
Des Moines needs experienced, knowledgeable leadership while we create a sustainable, vibrant business community, safe and diverse neighborhoods, and a thriving waterfront destination.
Traci is that leader!
A successful real estate investor, contractor, and property manager; Traci has guided dozens of properties out of foreclosure or disrepair into prosperity - even through the recession! Des Moines needs this expertise.
As a former Mental Health professional who has worked with youth, families, and the recovery community, Traci understands the need for compassion while inspiring our diverse neighborhoods to collaborate in creating a safe city.
Traci has lived in Des Moines for 35 years; raising her family, volunteering in schools and the community, planting over 1,000 trees, and supporting hundreds of young people!
Endorsed by two current Councilmembers, Des Moines Police Guild, King County Realtors, and local businesses, Traci is the voice of integrity we need.
Elect Traci Buxton on November 7!
Des Moines has many assets. I’m running for City Council to be your advocate and to expand and enrich those assets.
We have a spectacular marina that can become a focal point in our community. Bringing in new restaurants, shops, and additional parking can make the marina a destination for everyone while bringing in new revenue and jobs to our city. Development of the city needs to focus on creating sustainable, broad based revenue streams and the city needs to budget accordingly to support parks and police.
As a lawyer in private sector and the public sector, I have the experience, skills, and understanding to represent everyone on the council. I’m committed to transparency and making sure everyone has a seat at the table. You can reach me on my cell phone at 206-387-1333.
Endorsed by: IAFF 2024 (Your local firefighters), MLK County Labor Council, 33 and 30 LD Democrats.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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