2017 general election
City of Clyde Hill
Council Position 1
It has been my honor serving Clyde Hill these past four years. Prior to that, I served on the Board of Adjustments and on the Citizens’ Advisory Council for Clyde Hill.
I am committed to our community, ensuring we live in the safest and highest quality of neighborhoods. I supported revisions to our view ordinance to better define a collaborate process to preserve views; volunteered on a task force to identify and implement strategies to slow down speeders and reduce cut-through traffic; served during community days to promote home emergency management preparedness; and offered tips for our Chief of Police to promote for personal and property safety.
I also represent Clyde Hill on the King County Emergency Management Advisory Council so that our voice and special needs are heard.
I am a dedicated leader and sincerely appreciate your vote to continue the important work for Clyde Hill!
Thank you!
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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