2017 general election
City of Black Diamond
Council Position 4
Corporate development interests are challenging our quality of life in Black Diamond and pitting neighbor against neighbor.
Most residents know that a large fast growing Black Diamond is not positive change. Black Diamond is a unique and historic town, surrounded by a beautiful landscape. Growth needs to be managed to ensure there are no negative effects on current residents, families and businesses. Our environmental standards must be strong and fairly enforced.
Spending and contracting need to be brought under control. Balancing the budget on the backs of taxpayers and ratepayers is not acceptable. Developers should not be subsidized by taxpayers.
We need new leadership that respects the role of the City Council. Our system of checks and balances needs to be restored. Our family is committed to our Rural Town’s quality of life. I would be honored to represent you on the Council and appreciate your vote. Thank you.
This is a challenging time for Black Diamond citizens. Having visited with hundreds of residents during my campaign, I learned that folks want effective city government and have concerns about development, as do I.
I am studying the issues, will meet with city staff, and work collaboratively with the mayor and council members to get the work of the city done. We can pull together to address our current and future issues, fulfill our obligations, and ensure public safety.
I will bring civility, cooperation, and calm to our City Council. I will keep my community interactions positive.
I’m deeply connected to Black Diamond because of my grandmother’s roots here. My husband of 38 years, James, and I have raised our children here since 1994. We are proud grandparents, retired nurses, and active church members. James is a U.S. Coast Guard Veteran and our son is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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