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City of Algona

Council Position 4

No photo submitted

Dawn M. Dofelmire

601 Celery Ave

Algona, WA 98001

(253) 735-5765

Education: No education submitted
Occupation: No occupation submitted

My family and I have enjoyed living in the city of Algona since 2000.  I am seeking reelection so I can serve the residents and continue to drive legislation that matters. I have been involved in local city government since 2006; first as a Planning Commissioner and now as a City Council member. I have also been involved in King County programs such as the Domestic Violence initiative task force, and the King County Flood Control District. In the community I am a board member for the Auburn YMCA and I support Nexus youths and families which is an organization to help at risk and homeless youths. The council approved a new community center and I see a bright future for our youths in Algona.  I will use my experience and my position as a City Council member to promote positive change and help the city to become stronger.

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