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Port of Seattle

Commissioner Position 4

Preeti Shridhar

Preeti Shridhar

P.O. Box 20792

Seattle, WA 98102

(206) 452-6008

Education: Master's, Finance & Marketing; Bachelor's, Business Administration; Bachelor's, Economics; Graduate Degree, International Trade
Occupation: Deputy Public Affairs Administrator, City of Renton

I am a leader with vision, skills and committment to bring people together to find solutions and make our Port work for all of us. I have worked in public service for 25 years and I will ensure that the Port serves the best interests of all in King County.


Integrity – No more headlines questioning the propriety of Port decisions. I will make sure decisions are open and transparent. I will personally respond to every inquiry from you. I will be accountable. I will bring strong existing relationships with the cities, businesses, and community organizations in King County – built on a solid foundation of trust and respect.


Inclusion – I will promote economic inclusion, supporting opportunities for small businesses. And I will work so that everyone benefits from growth at the airport and seaport. I will represent our region in the national immigration debate so that federal policies support our community values. I will listen to all sides to inform my decisions.


Innovation – I helped introduce Seattle’s Climate Protection Initiative, and its conservation and recycling programs. I will work to make our airport the first in the nation to provide biofuel so we can protect our planet and our airport communities even as we grow. I will work to minimize the environmental impacts of growth at Sea-Tac Airport.


I will sustain and create living-wage jobs in our community, building career pathways for young people so they can get good-paying jobs and support their families.


I would be honored to serve you. I ask for your vote.


Endorsements: The Stranger, The Urbanist, The National Women’s Political Caucus of Washington, 33rd District Democrats, 11th District Democrats; the mayors of Redmond, Renton, Kent, Auburn, Covington, and North Bend; Leaders from the Indian, Somali, Latino, Filipino, and African-American communities.

Peter Steinbrueck

Peter Steinbrueck

1000 Second Ave, Ste 2950

Seattle, WA 98104

(360) 480-4427

Education: Loeb Fellow, Harvard University; MA, Architecture, University of Washington; BA, Government, Bowdoin College
Occupation: Steinbrueck Urban Strategies; Architect, Community Planner, former Seattle City Councilmember

The Port’s core mission is economic development. My goals: good jobs, good governance, and greening the port. The Port’s shipping facilities and iconic Pacific fishing fleet at Fisherman’s Terminal provide over 70,000 stable living-wage jobs. Cruise ships draw nearly a million passengers yearly and employ more than 3,700 people locally. For our state’s largest port to remain globally competitive, public policy and investment must align, and we must have greater confidence in its governance.


The Port must extend its reach into underserved communities and provide more job training and employment opportunities-- particularly for women, minorities, and youth. I want to add 200 new high school internships to give young people greater opportunity.


I will work hard to increase the Port’s commitment to environmental protections for reducing noise, air pollution, improving water quality, and impacts to surrounding communities. SeaTac Airport is one of the fastest growing airports nationwide, but it’s environmental impacts are growing fast too. It’s time to begin studies for another regional airport, promote quieter jets and cleaner jet fuels. The Port must lead on climate!


I will open wide the Port’s doors to transparency, insist on strictest ethics and full accountability. No more illegal pay raises and hiring blunders! I will bring my business savvy and experienced, ethical leadership to the job. I’ll prioritize improving relations with neighboring communities, small businesses, and local governments–I will listen!


Endorsed by King County Democrats, 31st, 32nd, 41st, 45th Democrats, Metropolitan Democratic Club, Attorney General Bob Ferguson, Lt. Governor Cyrus Habib, King County Sheriff John Urquhart, Sen. Reuven Carlyle, Reps. Judy Clibborn (Mercer Island), Joan McBride (Kirkland), Tina Orwall (Des Moines), Gerry Pollet (Seattle); Hon. Conrad Lee (Bellevue), Hon. Pete Von Reichbauer (Federal Way), Hon. Larry Gossett (Seattle), business leader Tomio Moriguchi, environmental leader Denis Hayes, gillnetter Pete Knutson… and many more!

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