2017 primary election
Public Hospital District 1
Commissioner District 1
Born in Rotterdam, Holland (Netherlands). Grew up in Salt Lake City, UT. Joined U.S. Army 1961-69. Returned from Vietnam 1968. Stationed Ft. Lewis 1968-69. Worked for Metro Transit / King County 1969-2004. I have lived in the great City of Renton, WA, since 1972. I volunteered at Valley Medical Hospital for approximately three years at the surgery information desk.
I am running for Commissioner as a citizen concerned about the drastic budget short fall and reduction in hospital staffing at Valley Medical Center and the impact this will have on our local community. I have supported the hospital over the past years by voting "yes" on every levy to improve and help the hospital to be the best for our community. As a past volunteer and longtime patient of Valley Medical doctors, I support the men and women who give their time to make the hospital and patient care a better and friendlier place. I am a strong proponent for maintaining local control of our hospital and will hold the current administration and CEO's feet to the fire regarding proper use of our tax dollars, including executive compensation and benefits. I will take my role as a community representative and advocate very seriously with patient safety and quality my number one priority.
If I am elected, I look forward to working with the current commissioners and management staff. It is time for an objective view point from a citizen who can bring a fresh perspective to the board, who has been associated with the hospital as a volunteer and a patient, for a long period of time.
I hope I can count on your vote.
My 25 years of professional experience as a first responder, in addition to my personal investment as a 13-year member of the Valley Medical Healthcare system, provide me with a unique and committed perspective in running for Public Hospital District 1, Commissioner District 1.
I believe that local stewardship of Valley Medical is vital in keeping the community’s needs in focus. A strong and committed partnership with the University of Washington will continue to bring the best of the University’s programs and offerings to healthcare in South King County. I am committed to maintaining fiscal responsibility on behalf of the local community while identifying opportunities to maximize efficiencies and manage costs.
My varied professional and life experiences, including service in the United States Marine Corps, management of private sector businesses, and as a Chief in the fire service, give me the skills and ability to serve on your behalf in shaping our community’s healthcare future.
I am seeking your vote to represent you as your Hospital Commissioner.
I am running for Hospital Commissioner because like you and your neighbors, I'm very upset control of Valley Medical Center was taken away from our elected commissioners and given to unelected Trustees appointed and controlled by UW Medicine who can raise your property taxes!
The UW-Valley Alliance was a scheme devised by CEO Rich Roodman to protect his million dollar salary by turning control of Valley to Trustees appointed by UW Medicine who are completely unaccountable to us voters.
I support asking the legislature to return control of our hospital district to the voters who support Valley with our tax dollars!
I have deep roots in this district and graduated from Kentridge High School. I have been married to Casey for 21 years and we have two children who attend Kent Schools. I participate each year in the Seattle Walk for Autism Speaks and have been a PTA volunteer for many years because these are issues important to my heart.
In 2013 I was appointed by the County Council to the King County Women’s Advisory Board and helped create the County’s paid family leave policy. I also served as Vice President of our neighborhood association.
My daughter was born at Valley and my family’s doctors are at Valley. For many of us, Valley is an important community asset and we need to assure it benefits the community which supports Valley with our tax dollars.
Our “elected” Commissioners rather than “appointed” Trustees should be responsible for ensuring Valley provides high quality, affordable health care while remaining financially viable.
If you elect me as your commissioner, I’ll fight to return control of Valley to elected Commissioners and fight for high quality, affordable patient care!
I’d appreciate your vote! Thank you.
I have been a resident of Renton for the past 42 years and would appreciate the opportunity to serve the community as your Hospital Commissioner Position No. 1 . I have been married for 44 years and have two adult children and four grandchildren. I would like to see quality and affordable healthcare continue at Valley Medical Center.
I served on the Board of Directors at the Associated Builders and Contractors and as its president in 1998. I also served on the finance committee and the committee that over sees Labor & Industry claims during my 28 years as a member of this organization. With 45 years of construction experience and 30 years as owner of Dochnahl Construction, I hope to be an advocate for cost effective construction for current and future hospital projects.
Denis Law Mayor of Renton
Don Persson Renton City Council
Bernie Dochnahl Board of Trustee
Denny Dochnahl Business owner
Don Jacobson Past Commissioner
Elaine Haroldson 38 Yr. Resident & retired teacher
Dr. Robert Thompson
Cheryl Nowacki
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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