Snoqualmie Valley School District No. 410
Director District No. 2
Linda Grez
10404 428TH AVE SE
(425) 831-7808
I am passionate about public schools and effective government. Our children are our future community. Our District has made progress to improve student learning, but we can adopt modern transparency in budgets and decisions so parents can provide meaningful input, making our District the best it can be. My service as a dedicated volunteer, leader, and elected Commissioner has provided me with the insight and courage to ask the necessary, difficult questions needed for progress and improvements.
In 2022 I received a Rise & Shine Award. I’ve volunteered in classrooms, been appointed to District committees (MS High School Visioning team), led the Mount Si HS Band Boosters, MSHS Drama Boosters, Twin Falls Music Boosters, Middle School and Elementary PTAs, and recently was President of the Snoqualmie PTSA Council. I was elected twice as Si View Metro Park District Commissioner so I understand how responsive and accountable local governments should be.
I have two kids in the Snoqualmie Valley School District. I am the Treasurer for the MSHS Volleyball Boosters and a proud four-year mentor with Empower Youth Network. I served eight years in PTA leadership, including President and Treasurer at both NBE and TFMS and almost five years on the NBE Learning Improvement Team.
I believe the school board’s time, focus, and resources should be tied to improving measurable student outcomes - steadfastly committed to continued progress in all areas. I will be a trustworthy steward of your taxpayer dollars and make sure spending aligns to what most impacts student learning.
School boards have a responsibility to ensure the voices of all our families are heard, considered, and valued. I will take the time to understand the issues facing our District and seek solutions so all kids in the Valley have the opportunities for success they deserve.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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