Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District
Commissioner Position No. 5
I am a community leader who wants to serve the people of Des Moines. I have lived here for 17 years and serve as president for the Des Moines Police Foundation and as captain of my neighborhood block watch. I care about providing recreation and fitness opportunities for our children and adults. I also believe that there should be no conflicts of interest for an elected official. I will bring transparency to this position, and if elected, I will also bring my cybersecurity knowledge and leadership to the pool district and help to keep our systems and data safe and secure. I humbly ask for your vote and I will continue to do my best to serve the community.
Gene Achziger
(253) 941-3785
Swimming is an essential life skill, an activity we can continue throughout our lifetimes. The pandemic has taught us swimming is also a vital healing tool. COVID severely disrupted our kids’ educations, but studies show that kids perform better in the classroom if they’ve learned to swim. It’s why I led the campaign in 2009 to save Mount Rainier Pool and continue to help introduce more kids to swimming.
During the pandemic, I secured over $125,000 in grants to provide free lessons to help kids get back on track and to remove the economic barriers to lifeguard/swim instructor certifications. I’ve worked to diversify our lifeguard staff, so all kids can see that our pool welcomes everyone. To help increase capacity, I secured $100,000 to study how we can better utilize the facility.
I humbly ask for your support to continue making swimming a priority.
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