City of Sammamish
Council Position No. 6
Pam Stuart
704 228TH AVE NE #263
As an engineer, proven professional, and mom, I’m pragmatic about Sammamish’s fiscal health and budget, maintaining needed services through economic development and rigorous prioritization. I know it’s your money. Sammamish must remain safe, sustainable, and thriving for all. I’ll represent our diverse community ensuring public safety, tackling climate change, transportation, and housing choices for our residents.
I'm a proven incumbent leader delivering results. I championed youth mental health services, a climate action plan, and increased government accountability while launching programming for seniors, protecting our salmon, and expanding parks. I ensured pandemic federal aid made it to local businesses.
For twenty years I’ve loved and served Sammamish as a PTA president, cub scout leader, chief umpire, martial arts instructor, Councilmember, member of K4C-Climate-Collaboration, Salmon Recovery Council, Eastside Fire and Rescue Board and more. Endorsements: KC Councilmembers Perry and Balducci, Bob Ferguson, Everytown for Gun Safety, 5th, 41st, 45th, KC Dems, +more.
Josh Amato
704 228TH AVE NE #511
(253) 722-9089
Sammamish is a special place, but the City Council is mismanaging its finances. The Council raised property taxes by 12%, increased spending, then passed a budget with a $5 million deficit that created a 4-year path to insolvency. I’m running to fix the budget mess.
Many of our neighbors live on constrained incomes and should not be asked to pay higher taxes to paper over financial mismanagement. Tax increases should be a last resort, not the first option. I will review each line item in the budget, prioritize spending, and save the rainy-day fund for true emergencies. You can read more details at JoshForSammamish.com/Plan.
As your councilmember, I pledge to write a balanced, sustainable budget that provides for essential services, protects our most vulnerable, and maintains the safe, quiet, and natural environment that makes Sammamish the place we all love. I ask for your vote.
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Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
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