City of Pacific
Council Position No. 3
Joshua Putnam
320 3RD AVE SW
Pacific is facing important choices as cities around us continue to grow and the Legislature makes us accept more housing density. Our City Council must responsibly manage the city budget to ensure reliable services and public safety for all residents.
I have served Pacific as a planning commissioner, park board member, and city council member. I know the importance of maintaining essential services for all homes, families, and businesses. The city has been fortunate to get grants for many high-profile projects, but that money can’t be spent on keeping our streets paved and our water and sewers flowing. We must spend local tax dollars efficiently, avoid unnecessary liabilities, and preserve the city’s financial strength for the future. Local government isn’t about partisan rhetoric, it’s about delivering value for your tax dollars.
I ask for your vote to allow me to continue serving the needs of Pacific’s families and businesses.
I have lived in Pacific for 30 years. I grew up in Pacific and after I had kids I thought Pacific would be a great place to raise them. I am involved with the Pacific Partnership organization, you've probably seen me if you go to Pacific days, I run the kids game there every year. I am running on a platform of family values, public safety, public works efficiency and costs, and personal freedom. I look forward to representing people that want clean parks, safe streets affordable utilities.
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