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City of Pacific


Vic Kave

Vic Kave

347 2ND AVE SE


(253) 329-0075

Education: US Army Airborne Ranger, Associate's Fire Command/Administration, Associate's Arts/Science, Bachelor's in Business (Honors Graduate)
Occupation: Retired Firefighter, Small Forest Tree Farm Owner, Pacific Council Member

As your council member, I made fixing our deteriorating infrastructure like our streets, water and sewer lines my top priority.  These are essential services that government provides its citizens.  Now, crime and speeding are on the rise and we need our laws to be enforced.

As a combat veteran, I understand the importance of sacrifice for the greater good. I have committed my life to public service and have proven leadership experiences in building successful teams.  As council member, I promised to work with the Council and Mayor to fix our problems and develop plans that make our city an example to be followed rather than a city to be ridiculed.  I believe I succeeded in keeping that promise.  Allow me to continue moving us forward, continue fixing our streets and other infrastructure as well as enforce the law.

Help keep our city government transparent. Please support me for Mayor.

Kerry G. Garberding

Kerry G. Garberding



(206) 446-6237

Education: Bellevue College
Occupation: Sales Supervisor at Statco Engineering

I have been a resident of Pacific since 1990, and a city council member for the past six years. Prior to that, I served on the Park Board and volunteer at many of the city events. During my years of serving the city I have found it important to work with the businesses and residents for their input. 


You deserve a Mayor that is ready to serve your needs, such as road repair, infrastructure, expanding community services i.e. the Senior Center and Youth Services. It is my goal to see the city continue to move on a forward path that enriches the lives of our residents.


As your Mayor, my door will always be open to meet with you and discuss your vision for the community in which we all live. With your assistance, we can keep moving Pacific in a positive direction. I humbly ask for your vote.

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