City of Duvall
Council Position No. 7
No statement submitted
Carol Kufeldt
15111 286TH AVE NE
DUVALL, WA 98019
A long-time small business owner and 25-year resident, Carol Kufeldt is the leader we need. Carol is committed to helping the City adjust to the change we are experiencing by supporting policies that will help Duvall remain fiscally sound, manage growth and transportation effectively and improve the services and amenities our community desires.
She will listen to our community and ensure that Duvall is a welcoming home for all through her strong allyship of the LGTBQ+ and immigrant communities, supporting inclusive policies and expanded cultural events that share Duvall’s past, celebrate the present and imagine the future. One of Carol’s core values is acceptance of all and celebrating the diversity of our community.
Carol raised her family here and is an active volunteer (President, Duvall Friends of the Library, 2009-present) and community advocate. Vote for commonsense, equity and inclusion- a Duvall for all. Elect Carol Kufeldt.
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