King County Airport District
Commissioner Position No. 2
I first soloed in an airplane sixty-one years ago. With nearly twenty-thousand hours of flight time in a variety of aircraft, I spent the last 12 years of my career as a B737 Captain for Alaska Airlines.
My public service experience on Vashon Island, includes eight years as a Park Commissioner for Vashon Park District, six years on the Board of Directors (five as President) of Vashon Community Care, Founder of Vashon Community Care Foundation, and I served on the boards of Vashon Forest Stewards and Voice of Vashon.
The Vashon Municipal Airport is a valuable community asset which will play a pivotal role in the event of a major disaster here on Vashon Island. It is my desire to see that this asset is maintained in the safest fashion possible.
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Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
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