November 2022 General Election
City of Seattle
Municipal Court Judge Position No. 7
Damon Shadid
P.O. BOX 27113
(425) 466-0619
Judge Damon Shadid has dedicated his years serving in the Seattle Municipal Court to finding better ways to approach criminal justice. He believes that the criminal legal system should have two primary and complementary objectives: community safety and helping people obtain the services they need to exit the criminal legal system.
With these objectives in mind, Judge Shadid has built from the ground up a new Community Court that gives participants the option of being quickly connected with services they need to address the issues that have brought them into the criminal legal system – untreated mental illness, homelessness, addiction, and employment challenges.
Judge Shadid has also been instrumental in re-building Seattle’s Mental Health Court, where he has presided for the past 4 years. He was able to work with the City Attorney’s Office and the Department of Public Defense to improve the Mental Health Court and encourage more individuals with mental health barriers to get the vital services they need.
Finally, Judge Shadid created efficiencies in the Court by allowing caseworkers who are working with defendants to come to court just once each week in order to monitor ongoing recovery progress and connections with community services.
But the work is not done. Seattle faces profound challenges stemming from still deficient vital services like affordable housing, substance abuse, and mental health treatment. Judge Shadid believes that the Municipal Court should play a central role in improving access to these services and will continue to work hard every day to ensure that all people are treated with fairness and compassion and that Seattle becomes a safer place to live and work.
Endorsements: King County Democrats and Young Democrats; 32nd, 34th, 37th, 43rd, 46th LD Democrats; Democrats for Diversity & Inclusion; SEIU 775; ATU 587; Machinists Union (IAM 751); Teamsters JC 28
Nyjat Rose-Akins is well-versed in bringing stakeholders together to improve the health, safety, and livability of our City. Her perspective on the criminal legal system is informed by 12 years working as a Seattle Assistant City Attorney, including conducting over 60 criminal trials and working closely with participants in therapeutic courts. Her perspective is also informed by her work providing legal advice to city leaders on complex issues including police accountability and homelessness.
On a personal level, Nyjat’s views are shaped by witnessing the experiences of her own friends and family within the court system, and her own experience as a Jamaican immigrant.
Nyjat understands that efforts made to reduce criminal conduct within Seattle have fallen short. Like many, she is frustrated that Seattle Municipal Court has not met its role in fulfilling this basic municipal function. Likewise, the Court must also ensure that fundamental human rights are well protected for individuals involved in the legal system. Nyjat will rise to meet these obligations with respect and compassion.
If elected, Nyjat will not release individuals without first considering the likelihood of reappearance, and the severity and frequency of the criminal behavior.
While releasing all individuals pretrial is well intentioned, it does not work in practice. It ignores the fact that while diversion programs are an important tool for the Court, they are not universally appropriate for every defendant and every crime. Seattle can do better. Nyjat’s deep experience will help her weigh how to reduce criminal recidivism rates with treatment and outreach for defendants, while also protecting victims of crimes and ensuring the safety of all our fellow Seattleites.
Nyjat has earned support from community leaders and organizations. Nyjat is endorsed by current and retired judges from district court, superior court, and the Seattle Municipal Court.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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