November 2022 General Election
Southwest Electoral District
Judge Position No. 4
Together we find ourselves in difficult times as our world changes around us. COVID, Homelessness, Addiction, Mental Health, Inflation and numerous other issues are impacting our lives. The Court is taking steps to address these and other issues while obeying the law. One example is the court is using technological advances to increase access to Justice and to reduce jail costs.
Raised in the White Center/Burien area, I understand the struggles that most people have, the strain local businesses are under, and the difficulties law enforcement face each day. I also understand how much it means for people to earn their redemption for mistakes they have made.Together we can overcome these obstacles.
Annually, I am an active community volunteer assisting different communities in both King and Pierce counties. I work with some community leaders to prepare our children for the future by paving a way to college.
I will make decisions based on the law, but with an eye toward the future. I will make sure all who appear before me are heard. I want to make the court the best it can be. Together we can make a difference! I humbly ask for your vote.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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