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Proposition No. 1
Regular Property Tax Levy for Children, Youth, Families and Communities

King County Council passed Ordinance 19267 concerning renewed funding for support of children, youth, families and communities.  If approved, this proposition would fund prevention and early intervention services and capital investments to promote health and well-being, including child care; prenatal and newborn family services; youth development programs; social, emotional and mental health supports; and homelessness prevention. It would authorize an additional six-year property tax beginning in 2022 at $0.19 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. The 2022 levy amount would be the base for calculating annual increases of up to 3% in 2023 - 2027. Should this proposition be:




This proposition would authorize an additional regular property tax for six years with a maximum first-year rate in 2022 of $0.19 per $1,000 assessed valuation, equal to $114 for a property with an assessed value of $600,000. Increases in the following five years (2023 – 2027) would be limited to 3% of the dollar amount of the prior year’s levy.


Levy proceeds would support programs and services to improve the health and well-being of children, youth, families and communities through capital investments, services and supports related to a broad range of issues including: access to safe and healthy food, developmental screening, care for children and youth, social and emotional well-being and mental health, academic support, and prevention and early intervention related to poor birth outcomes, developmental delays, chronic disease, substance use disorders, homelessness, domestic violence and effects of systematic racism and incarceration.


A set amount of levy proceeds would be allocated annually to a youth and family homelessness prevention initiative, a childcare subsidy program, a childcare workforce demonstration project and technical assistance and capacity building activities. If levy proceeds exceed a threshold amount, funding would be applied to grants for repair and expansion of facilities that serve children and youth.


Two advisory boards would provide oversight: a children and youth advisory board and an advisory board designed to improve equity by addressing race and place-based inequities in health and well-being outcomes.

Every kid deserves a strong start in life and opportunity to reach their potential. Your vote to renew this effective, evidence-based levy maintains and expands community led programs proven to help young people succeed at every stage of life. The measure sets an annual spending cap, funds are overseen by an independent citizen committee and subject to annual audits to ensure transparency and program improvement. 


Investing Early: Helping Kids Thrive


This measure supports prevention and early intervention strategies that have helped thousands of kids stay in school, address personal challenges, and avoid involvement in the criminal legal system – cost effective engagement that facilitates future success. The levy supports equitable investments in children of color to overcome racial injustice, providing important community support. Your vote also expands school-based health programs and counseling services – helping address the alarming increase in youth depression and other behavioral health concerns during the pandemic.


Supporting Vulnerable Families


Renewal continues outreach and partnerships for pregnant and parenting families, so babies and children have the strongest start in life. Your vote will provide thousands of low-income families access to childcare, critical for economic recovery, family stability, and gender equity, especially for moms who left the workforce during the pandemic. In addition, levy dollars have already helped over 10,000 families avoid homelessness. Renewal continues rental assistance and other critical homelessness prevention strategies.


Endorsements: Executive Dow Constantine; County Councilmembers; Mayors and City Councilmembers; SEIU 925 & 775; MLK Labor Council; MomsRising; WA State Nurses Association; KC Alliance for Human Services; Childhaven; Kent Youth and Family Services; Southeast Youth & Family Services; Southwest Youth & Family Services; Youth Eastside Services; 11th, 33rd, 37th, 48th Dems; more!


Dow Constantine, Dila Perera, Ben Danielson,

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple Majority (RCW 84.55.050)

For questions about this measure, contact: Sheila Capestany, Division Director, Children, Youth, and Young Adults Division, 206-263-7823,

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