Medic One saves lives. Last year, firefighters and paramedics responded to over 268,000 medical 9-1-1 calls for help (one every three minutes).
Our Medic One system is recognized as one of the best emergency medical services system in the world - cardiac arrest victims here are 2 to 3 times more likely to survive, compared to other cities. In 2018, the survival rate was 56%, which is among the highest reported anywhere. It is available to everyone by simply dialing 9-1-1, whatever the medical emergency, regardless of location, circumstances, or time of day.
The Medic One levy is not a new tax. It continues funding for a program that provides critical emergency services for everyone in King County. King County voters have supported Medic One by passing levies for over 40 years. At the proposed levy rate, owners of a $500,000 home will pay $133 a year for world class emergency medical care to be at their side within minutes.
We depend on Medic One to be there when we need it, 24 hours a day, every day. Now it’s our turn to be there for Medic One. Renew our commitment. Vote Yes on Proposition 1.
Reagan Dunn, Greg Markley, Mickey Eisenberg,