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Proposed Shoreline Fire Department Regional Fire Authority

Proposition No. 1

The Shoreline Fire Department and King County Fire Protection District No. 16 d/b/a Northshore Fire Department have adopted a Joint Resolution approving the Shoreline Fire Department Regional Fire Authority Plan (“Plan”) creating a Regional Fire Authority (“RFA”), effective May 1, 2025.


This proposition would approve the Plan to create the Shoreline Fire Department RFA to provide fire protection and emergency medical services funded by a property tax of $.70 per thousand of assessed value in 2025 (not to exceed $1.00 per thousand in subsequent years) and a six-year fire benefit charge (not to exceed 60% of the operating budget). The funding would replace the current property tax levies and fire benefit charges collected by the Districts.


Should the Plan to create the Shoreline Fire Department Regional Fire Authority be approved?



After decades of working cooperatively to provide fire and emergency medical services in the Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, and Kenmore communities, the Boards of Commissioners of the Shoreline Fire Departments and King County Fire Protection District No. 16 d/b/a Northshore Fire Department jointly prepared and approved a plan to formally create and merge fire, rescue, and emergency medical operations of both Fire Districts into a Regional Fire Authority (“RFA”) under chapter 52.26. RCW.


If voters approve Proposition 1, the Shoreline and Northshore Fire Departments will create the Shoreline Fire Department Regional Fire Authority (“SHFD”) as a RFA effective May 1, 2025. The SHFD will operate under a governing board consisting of ten governing members, initially filled by seated fire Commissioners of both fire districts.


The SHFD will be funded by a fire benefit charge, and a property tax not to exceed $.70 per thousand of assessed valuation to be levied in 2025 and collected in 2026. The SHFD property tax and fire benefit charge will replace the regular property tax levies and existing fire benefit charges of the Shoreline and Northshore Fire Departments.


The SHFD is designed to improve levels of service across all three communities, create financial and logistical efficiencies and savings, and ensure local geographical representation on the RFA governing board. The RFA has been discussed for many years, provides an opportunity for emergency service improvements, and will also support long-term sustainability and allow for future partnership opportunities.  To view the complete RFA Plan, please visit:

Residents, community leaders, firefighters and public safety experts across Shoreline, Kenmore and Lake Forest Park are in strong support of Prop 1, a Regional Fire Authority (RFA). Prop 1 further strengthens the existing relationship between the Shoreline and Northshore Fire Departments. It will reduce costs, streamline operations, and support our firefighters to continue delivering exceptional fire and emergency medical services.


Shoreline and Northshore Fire have worked together successfully for decades.  Starting in 2022, they began formally sharing staff and resources under contract, which has seen great success. The RFA is a natural next step and is specifically designed to deliver improved levels of public safety at a lower cost for residents. Further, the RFA will be governed by representatives from each community in the RFA, giving all of our cities a voice in how our fire services are managed.


Overall, the RFA is a win-win for the community and for our firefighters. We humbly ask for your support: Vote Yes on Prop 1!


Selected Endorsements: State Senators Derek Stanford, Jesse Salomon; State Representatives Cindy Ryu, Davina Duerr, Lauren Davis, Shelly Kloba; King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski; Kenmore and Lake Forest Park City Councils; Shoreline Firefighters Local 1760; 1st LD Democrats.


Submitted by: Charlie Kimball, Jon Culver, Evan Voltsis,

The Current System Works Well. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. There is Nothing the RFA can do that the Fire Districts cannot already do. Once formed there is no realistic way back. We will lose local control. Today there is equity. Each district pays for the services it receives. The efficiencies and cost savings of consolidation have already been realized under the current Northshore/Shoreline services agreement. One administration, one labor group, one policy and training.


No Real Savings Or Service Improvements. The proposed tax reductions are achieved by spending down reserve funds. Risky! The RFA Plan will Increase the Levy Authorization from 70¢ to $1.00 per $1,000 of Assessed Valuation in 2026. The current Northshore/Shoreline contract for services compels Shoreline to provide outstanding service and control costs. These incentives will be lost with an RFA. No additional services are added with the RFA.


Loss Of Local Control. Currently, each district sets its own service level, tax rate and has ownership of property and reserve funds. RFA imposes a one size fits all solution. Our cities were formed to exert local control serving their communities’ specific needs. Why give that up now? There is no valid reason for change.


Submitted by: David Maehren, Paul Hess, Jeff Dairiki,

The RFA delivers affordability, improved services, and local control. 100% of homeowners will see a reduction in their levy rate, resource sharing will improve service levels, and each City will be represented on the RFA Board. By resolution, 2026’s levy rate is set at $0.70, and State law limits increases to 1% annually. 


Building on proven successes of the current agreement, Prop 1 has won widespread community support.  For exceptional, affordable service, Vote Yes!


Submitted by: Charlie Kimball, Jon Culver, Evan Voltsis,


We support our firefighters. This is about governance, not firefighter needs. Seven of the ten commissioners have fire service connections: Two active firefighters, Three past Shoreline firefighters, two spouses of past Shoreline Fire Chiefs. Who represents the public’s interests? No tangible advantages with the RFA, only risk and higher taxes. Endorsements? - Politicians are reluctant to oppose firefighter interests. This is a classic Boondoggle. Pointless, but giving the appearance of having value. Please Vote No.


Submitted by: David Maehren, Paul Hess, Jeff Dairiki,

60% approval (RCW 52.26.050 and 52.26.060)

For questions about this measure, contact: Matt Cowan, Fire Chief, (206) 533-6510,

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