In November, voters said “no” to a $642 million school bond. This new bond appears smaller yet simply spreads the same content and spending over a future continuous stream of bonds and levies, beginning in April 2025. The voters already said no and want better solutions.
The new high school is unnecessary. The ISD admits there are practical and less expensive ways to address temporary overcrowding that do not include a fiscally irresponsible $292,700,000 (plus interest) high school. Funding the needs of students and teachers is essential, but the Board’s current approach is misguided.
The ISD Board has lost our trust and is insensitive to the cost to families. They have a record of capital project overruns, broken promises, and misdirected funds, with no assurance that this won’t happen again. Don’t be fooled by the repackaging. Trust can be rebuilt – by rethinking high school capacity and ensuring that monies are purposeful and well spent.
The ISD Board claims that they work for us, yet they ignore the people’s will. Your “no” vote will send a clear message that they must listen, rather than simply continuing their irresponsible practices. Demand honesty, transparency, and accountability. Please Vote No!
Submitted by: Daniel Sreebny,