This measure would adopt an ordinance that requires covered employers to (1) pay a minimum wage for all hours worked within Burien, and (2) distribute additional hours to its part-time workers prior to hiring new employees, contractors, or temporary workers if its existing part-time workers have the skills and experience to perform the work.
The minimum wage effective 30 days after passage will be equal to that in the City of Tukwila for large employers, then adjusted annually for inflation, with phase-in periods for smaller employers. The minimum wage for medium-sized employers will begin $2 lower, with the reduction decreasing by $1 annually. The minimum wage for small-sized employers will begin $3 lower, with the reduction decreasing by $.50 annually. After the phase-in periods, all employers must pay the full minimum wage.
Employers may not retaliate against employees exercising rights under the ordinance and must comply with administrative requirements.
Remedies for violations include payment of: attorneys’ fees, unpaid wages, interest, liquidated damages equal to twice the unpaid wages, compensatory damages, and a $5000 penalty for retaliation. Intentional violations could subject employers to revocation of their business license.
The existing minimum wage ordinance in the Burien Municipal Code differs in various respects including employer categories, employee classification, minimum wage calculation, tip credits, remedies, and other rules.