We are parents and experienced educators. We support funding that serves the real needs of students and teachers – but we oppose fiscal misrepresentation and wasteful use of taxpayer dollars. Sadly, this proposal exemplifies both. Vote No!
The Issaquah School District has lost our trust and doesn’t deserve your vote. They continue to insist on doing things the same old way. They inappropriately reassigned $44,000,000 for the new High School that you voted for in 2022. Now they’re asking you for that same money again. This Bond adds $182,700,000, bringing the total cost of the new High School to over $300,000,000. Vote No!
The flawed proposals and failed policies of the School District will cost homeowners thousands of dollars in additional taxes, for new construction that enrollment projections don’t justify. That is on top of the $814,000,000 still being paid off on the 2016 Bond. This Proposition doesn’t address the real needs of students. Vote No!
The School Board and Administration haven’t been listening to the people they serve. Demand the politicians and bureaucrats respect the concerns of the those they represent. Our children’s future is at stake. This is your best opportunity to make your voice heard. Please Vote No!
Submitted by: Sam Lin, Daniel Sreebny, Michele Williams, ccare98027.com