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South King Fire

Proposition No. 1
Authorizing Fire Benefit Charge

Shall South King Fire be authorized to impose benefit charges each year for six years, not to exceed an amount equal to sixty percent of its operating budget, and be prohibited from imposing an additional property tax under RCW 52.16.160?



South King Fire, serving the citizens of Greater Federal Way and Des Moines, is placing a “fire benefit charge” proposition on the August 6, 2024, ballot, pursuant to RCW 52.18, which allows the benefit charges to fund and maintain fire district operations. A benefit charge is not a tax and is not based on property valuation, but on the cost of providing service. If approved, the benefit charge, in effect for six years commencing in 2025, will be based on square footage and fire flows for all types of property, utilizing a consistent, industry accepted formula.


Historically, the District has used regular tax levies and/or excess levies for maintenance and operations to provide sufficient revenue to maintain services. During that time, the average tax rates have been more than $1.00 per thousand of assessed valuation. If the benefit charge is approved, the property tax rate will be capped at $1.00 per thousand. The benefit charge will provide the necessary revenue to maintain services, utilizing a more fair and stabilized funding model, less reliant on property tax. Benefit charges cannot exceed 60% of the Districts operating budget.


Approval of this proposition would allow the District to stabilize its funding to better meet the rising demands of emergency services of its communities.

South King Fire (SKF) needs your support now. Economic development is driving population growth and increasing community needs.  Emergency service calls have doubled in the last decade to more than 25,000 calls annually in 2023. This rising demand is surpassing what the current funding model will support. SKF has identified a stable funding model utilizing the Fire Benefit Charge (FBC) that is used by a majority of neighboring fire departments.


Not a Tax. The FBC is a fee that distributes costs by placing more responsibility on structures with higher fire risk and resource needs.  Under the FBC, single-family homes generally pay less than larger structures like commercial properties.


Stable Funding. The FBC replaces an outdated funding model, heavily reliant on property taxes and subject to severe fluctuations. The FBC will stabilize funding, help meet rising demands, reduce regular property taxes, and eliminate the need for a renewed Maintenance and Operations Levy.


Support Fire. Our firefighters respond 24/7/365 to an increasing number of incidents and emergencies in our communities.  Without sustainable funding, SKF would be forced to make budget cuts that will impact service levels and response times. Let’s support our firefighters and a better plan for the future. Vote Yes!


Submitted by: Ed Plumlee, Victor Pennington, Shelley Pauls,

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

60% approval of the voters of the district (RCW 52.18.050(1)(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Joe F. Ganem IV, Executive Director, 253-946-7334,

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