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Tukwila School District No. 406

Proposition No. 2
Renewal Techonology and Capital Project Levy

The Board of Directors of Tukwila School District No. 406 adopted Resolution No. 939 authorizing a renewal levy for technology and capital projects. This proposition would authorize the District to acquire and install technology equipment and infrastructure to better prepare students for careers of tomorrow, improve school facilities, and make safety and energy efficiency upgrades, by levying the following excess taxes, renewing an expiring levy, on all taxable property within the District:

Collection Year

Estimated Levy Rate/$1,000 Assessed Value

Levy Amount














all as provided in Resolution No. 939. Should this proposition be approved?




Passage of Proposition No. 2 would allow Tukwila School District to renew an existing levy that will expire at the end of calendar year 2024. These funds would be deposited in the District’s Capital Projects Fund to pay for technology infrastructure, computers and other hardware, software, online subscriptions, applications, licensing and related implementation costs. These technology improvements will allow the District to stay-up to date to better prepare students for the careers of tomorrow and ensure technology systems are safe, secure and reliable. To provide and enhance quality learning environments, the renewal levy will also fund critical school repairs, energy efficiency upgrades, major systems (such as, heat pumps and lighting systems), equipment upgrades and replacements, and site safety and security upgrades. Further information is available on the District’s website at


The proposed four-year renewal technology and capital projects levy would authorize collection of taxes to provide $4,388,220 in 2025, $4,512,804 in 2026, $4,619,605 in 2027, and $4,865,474 in 2028. The tax levy rate required to produce these levy amounts is estimated to be $0.75 per $1,000 of assessed value. Exemptions from taxes may be available. For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206.296.3920

The School Technology and Capital Projects levy is Not a new tax.  It Renews the levy the community approved in 2020.  Tukwila School District relies on these funds for technology learning that is not supported by other revenues.


The passage of this levy will benefit every student by upgrading and expanding technology in classrooms to keep pace with technological advancements.  Students will develop 21st Century technology skills required for college, careers, and the workforce.  Staff will receive training on how to effectively use new technology tools to enhance technology and project-based learning experiences in their classrooms.  Students need this levy to meet the K-12 Technology standards and be competitive with our surrounding districts. 


This Renewal levy is Endorsed by: U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, Sen. Bob Hasegawa, Rep. David Hackney, Rep. Steve Bergquist, Tukwila Education Association, Mayor Allan Ekberg, Mayor-Elect Thomas McLeod, De’Sean Quinn, Kathy Hougarty, Cynthia Delostrinos-Johnson, Kate Kruller, Tosh Sharp, Mohammed Abdi, Jovita McConnell, Armen Papyan, Joe Duffie, Verna Seal, Edna Morris, Katrina Dohn, Paul Coblenz, Sharon Nakata, Pam Carter, Ron Lamb, Abigail Tabason, Mary Fertakis, Jonathan Joseph, Sarah Vallieu, John & Lisa Forsythe, Sheila Coppola, Riley Haggard, Pat Larson.


Submitted by: Pat Larson, Katrina Dohn, Riley Haggard,

There should be no tax measures on the lowest voter turnout month, February. Taxpayers don’t even have their tax bills for the year yet. The district should only run tax measures in November when voter turnout is high.


WA has about a dozen public charter schools open to all. Our public charter schools are not allowed to run any local tax measures and they don’t. They stay on a budget. They provide all the technology that students need and none that they don’t. They don’t nickel and dime taxpayers and tax them out of their homes. They don’t have Enrichment Levies, Tech Levies, Capital Levies, Bonds, Replacement Levies, Not-A-New-Tax Tax Levies, etc.


The point is that most traditional public schools in WA are spendthrifts. More money, same poor results. It doesn’t matter how much money they are given. They always seem to need/want more. What if we had school choice (vouchers) to give families a choice and taxpayers a break? Perhaps that is needed to introduce some competition for the monopoly to both improve and to become more efficient. And most importantly, many students learn better in environments other than what the assigned traditional public schools provide.


Submitted by: Jeff Heckathorn,

The Con Statement is inaccurate and was written by an individual who is not a resident of Tukwila and does not know our community or our students.  The Pro Committee are Tukwila residents, and many members are graduates of our educational system. We know our community, we know our students, we know their unique needs.  Tukwila has a history of strong support for our neighborhood schools. Let’s continue that! Vote Yes!

Submitted by: Pat Larson, Katrina Dohn, Riley Haggard,

The pro spending side forgot to mention that this Not-A-New-Tax Tax is a 37% increase (in dollars) over the previous 4 year Tech Levy. And this while there has been a significant drop in enrollment. And all of this technology money is helping how exactly? Student performance on basic skills (reading, writing, mathematics) isn’t all that great. How about we wait until November. We can then review the Spring 2024 basic state testing results.

Submitted by: Jeff Heckathorn,

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Amy Fleming, CFO, (206) 901-8010,

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