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Si View Metropolitan Park District

Proposition No. 1
Improvement Bonds to Replace Aging Si View Pool and Preserve Aquatic Access

The Board of Park Commissioners of the Si View Metropolitan Park District adopted Resolution No. 2023-03 concerning construction of a new community pool facility. The District currently operates the Si View pool, an 85 year old facility with deteriorating infrastructure. If approved, this proposition authorizes the District to develop, construct, and equip a new facility with expanded capacity and improved access to aquatic programs to serve District residents and the community; issue up to $21,345,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a 30 year term; and levy excess property taxes annually to repay the bonds.

Should this proposition be: 



Proposition 1 authorizes Si View Metropolitan Park District to replace the 85-year-old Si View pool with a new community pool in North Bend. Built in 1938, the structural and mechanical components of Si View Pool have exceeded their useful lifespan. A new pool will preserve and improve public access to aquatic programs, expand capacity and address the gap in aquatic services for the growing population in Snoqualmie Valley.


The conceptual design for the proposed community pool has been driven by extensive public input and the District’s ability to sustainably operate it. The design and modest size accommodate a diverse range of activities for all ages and abilities in multiple zones that can operate at the same time. Planned components include a lap lane area with four 25-yard lanes, flexible space with areas for learn-to-swim, recreation programs, therapeutic and fitness programs, and a zero-depth accessible entry for people with mobility issues.  Dry spaces include classrooms for training and community programs, changing rooms, restrooms, and associated office, maintenance, and storage spaces.


Proposition 1 authorizes funding to support the project design and construction of a new community pool with the issuance of up to $21,345,000 in general obligation bonds maturing within 30 years and set excess property taxes to repay those bonds with an estimated impact of $10.67 per month on a home assessed at $800,000.


For more information about Proposition 1, visit


The time to invest in a modern pool is now! Our 85-year-old pool, originally built to support a community of 600 people and now serving a parks district of 17,000+, is on borrowed time, on life support due to its archaic parts.

Due to its small size, our current pool cannot meet the needs of our community. This is causing our children to not get the swim training they need; 3,000+ students have been waitlisted so far this year. Meanwhile, 22 people died from drowning in King County in 2022, underscoring the importance of public pool access.

The new pool will offer modern amenities, and the drastically increased capacity will yield greater availability for more swim lessons and other aquatic activities alike, benefitting all ages. If this proposition fails, our community's only public pool will likely close in the near future. With your yes vote, our children and following generations can learn how to swim and enjoy the community-strengthening activities that a pool provides.

The estimated monthly cost of funding the pool is around 2 cups of coffee. This is a great investment for our children, ourselves, and the future of our community. Vote Yes!


Submitted by: Pete Morisseau,

Prop. 1 authorizes (P.5)  ”unlimited tax general obligations”, paid by “taxable property within the District without limitation as to rate or amount and in excess of any constitutional or statutory tax limitations”. The bonds may reimburse the District for “Projects” expenditures to date. This is very broadly written and allows funds shifting and scope changes.  It is not a loan contract that I would sign.


The “Projects” are stated to cost approximately $30 M.  The proposition document reads, “The Board hereby finds that the best interests of the residents of the District require….a new aquatic center to serve District residents and the community and….”. The District tax payers are not obligated to provide for the entire Snoqualmie Valley, even under the guise being in the best interests of the District or the commons.


The old saying, “The devil is in the details” applies here. You must read the contract that you are voting on.  This is “unlimited tax general obligations bonds” long term debt in addition to the $14.7 M, 2018 District bond measure we passed. Consider carefully.


Please contact me for a copy of the proposition text or for more information. Tim Noonan, 425 219-8002.


Submitted by: Tim Noonan, (425) 219-8002

Proposition 1 will provide our district the pool it needs. This is a good deal: 30% of project costs paid by grants. It’s this or nothing -- without a yes vote, the only public pool in our community will close. Our fiscally responsible Park Commission has earned its AA bond rating and the trust of our community. This facility will keep us safe and healthy. Swim lessons save lives. Vote yes before it’s too late.


Submitted by: Pete Morisseau,

You must read the text of this Proposition carefully. The cost of the “Projects” in this bond proposal is still unknown and in addition to the base operating levy lid lift passed in 2020 that costs a $500,000 homeowner about $22.34/month or $268/year.


For the sake of seniors on fixed incomes, young families just starting out, renters and others in our district who can’t afford this added expense, please consider this proposal carefully.


Submitted by: Tim Noonan, (425) 219-8002

60% majority and minimum turnout of 40% of voters casting ballots in last general election (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(b))

For questions about this measure, contact: Travis Stombaugh, Executive Director, (425) 831-1900,

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