The time to invest in a modern pool is now! Our 85-year-old pool, originally built to support a community of 600 people and now serving a parks district of 17,000+, is on borrowed time, on life support due to its archaic parts.
Due to its small size, our current pool cannot meet the needs of our community. This is causing our children to not get the swim training they need; 3,000+ students have been waitlisted so far this year. Meanwhile, 22 people died from drowning in King County in 2022, underscoring the importance of public pool access.
The new pool will offer modern amenities, and the drastically increased capacity will yield greater availability for more swim lessons and other aquatic activities alike, benefitting all ages. If this proposition fails, our community's only public pool will likely close in the near future. With your yes vote, our children and following generations can learn how to swim and enjoy the community-strengthening activities that a pool provides.
The estimated monthly cost of funding the pool is around 2 cups of coffee. This is a great investment for our children, ourselves, and the future of our community. Vote Yes!
Submitted by: Pete Morisseau,