We all enjoy our quality of life in Shoreline and the high level of service from the city -- strong public safety, great parks, programs for all ages, and compassionate human services. Shoreline faces the challenges of a rapidly growing population, placing new demands on city services. The city is the only entity we have to responsibly manage this growth and development. It needs to be adequately funded.
This levy lid lift, Proposition 1, will preserve current services- such as outreach services to at risk youth. It will enhance a new service -- mental health professionals teamed with police to respond to the growing need for mental health interventions (RADAR). RADAR has been proven to be more effective in helping people impacted by drug and mental health crises.
Recreation programs, community services and city customer services are at risk due to inflation. Revenue to fund city services will dramatically fall without the levy lid lift. Programs we rely upon will have to be reduced. Voting “yes” on Proposition 1 preserves an array of services for everyone, including the homeless, as well as continues maintenance of our excellent park system and recreation areas.
Our city is already impacted by higher costs due to inflation, significant growth pressure and the need for new program to address serious social problems. We must step up to ensure the quality of services we rely on and to leverage expected growth.
A citizen advisory committee composed of your neighbors recommended that the City Council ask Shoreline voters to renew the levy lid lift.
Vote yes for Proposition 1.
Submitted by: Lincoln Ferris, Mary Ellen Stone, John Thielke, mestone7@gmail.com