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Northshore School District No. 417

Proposition No. 1 
Replacement for Educational Programs and Operations Levy 

The Board of Directors of Northshore School District adopted Resolution No. 839 authorizing a renewal educational levy. To continue high quality academic programs and other eligible activities not currently state funded, this proposition authorizes the District to levy the following excess taxes, on all taxable property within the District:

Collection Year

Estimated Levy


Assessed Value

Levy Amount
2023 $1.40  $62,500,000 
2024 $1.40  $64,900,000 
2025 $1.40  $67,500,000 
2026 $1.40 $70,200,000 

as provided in Resolution No. 839 and subject to legal limits on levy amounts and rates at the time of levy. Should this proposition be approved? 



Passage of Proposition No. 1 would replace the expiring levy. This proposed levy would be at a projected lower tax rate and would allow the levy of $62,500,000 in property taxes within Northshore School District No. 417 for collection in 2023, the levy of $64,900,000 for collection in 2024, the levy of $67,500,000 for collection in 2025, and the levy of $70,200,000 for collection in 2026, to enable the District to pay for its educational programs and services, such levies to be made for four years commencing in 2022 for collection in the school years from 2022-2023 through 2026-2027. In accordance with Resolution No. 839 approving this proposition, these taxes would be deposited in the District’s General Fund to pay part of the general expenses of operating the District not funded by the State. General expenses of the District include, instructional materials, special programs, activities and special education, technical education programs, transportation costs, maintenance of facilities and other non-capital expenses of operating the District’s schools. If authorized by the voters, such property taxes would be collected at a rate estimated to be $1.40 per year in years 2023 through 2026, inclusive.


Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners.  To determine if you qualify, call your county assessor.


Voting yes renews our commitment to quality education in Northshore SD by directly investing in student services and classroom instruction.  This levy renewal funds essential school programs and staff including nurses, counselors, special education, accelerated learning supports, multi-language learning, and emergency preparedness.


This measure fills critical gaps in state funding.  Students require a safe and healthy school environment to learn effectively. Voting yes ensures that every school has a nurse, as well as providing mental health support. The state doesn’t cover any costs for extracurriculars, putting the burden on local funding to support athletics, clubs, and music that enrich youth development outside of the classroom.


Strong schools build strong communities.  Our thriving school district makes this a place where families want to raise their kids, and is part of what makes our whole community thrive.  Not only did the voters overwhelmingly vote to renew this levy 4 years ago, but we’re proud of the level of community and family support shown for our schools every day.  


Please vote yes for student success – vote yes to renew the educational programs and operations levy!


Submitted by: Cheryl Stanford, Patsy Treece, Jasmine Lee Fry,  

Did you know in 2018, State courts ruled that the State would fully fund education via the McCleary Decision? That meant taxpayers were promised a levy swap: State school property taxes would increase but local school property taxes would be nearly eliminated. Instead, state school taxes and our local school taxes dramatically increased. Our district is out of control, taxing people out of their homes. In 2018 they asked for $571M across 3 measures & now $770M (a 35% increase).


The underpaid teacher myth needs clarification: Median NSD teacher compensation in 2020-2021 =  $135k (highest @ $200k) for 10 months of work. Extrapolated to 12 months and it’s $163k. Teachers aren’t restricted from securing supplemental income. Many of us are. They are well compensated and the Union is targeting another substantial increase in 2 years. Covered by this levy.

NSD discloses only headline spending. We need total transparency. This levy of $265M will be dumped into the General Fund where 85% goes to compensations for all employees - not just nurses and mental health counselors as advertised. 


NSD blames legislators for not fully funding their bloated budget. The legislators are correct in saying ‘No more’. We should do the same. Say no to excess.

Submitted by: Dominique France, Angela Chapman,

The opposition committee’s statements are not accurate.  Their figure is 40% higher than actual average teacher salaries.  This local levy – authorized by the Legislature – fills critical gaps in state funding not covered by the McCleary Decision like nurses, extracurriculars, special education, and accelerated learning supports.  The District’s website ( has a transparent list of all funded programs.

This is not a new tax; voting yes renews our commitment to quality education and builds strong communities.

Submitted by: Cheryl Stanford, Patsy Treece, Jasmine Lee Fry,  


The community needs greater accountability for this funding. The General Fund does not earmark this Levy for the promised allocations. Instead, evolving budgets and salary hikes continue to absorb this growing tax. Our district is not thriving. In large part due to the district deciding what they believe is right for our families. Using taxpayer funding for political games and to support divisiveness, does not make for a stronger community.

Vote no to irresponsible spending.

Submitted by: Dominique France, Angela Chapman,

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Lisa Youngblood Hall, Chief Communications and Experience Officer, (425) 408-7671,

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