Local property taxpayers (homeowners and renters in their rent) are maxed out. We are still facing economic instability due to Covid-19, while many parents have incurred additional education expenses such as home tutoring, or had to quit jobs to do so themselves, for the last year and a half.
In 2018, the legislature determined levies are unfair and dramatically increased state school property taxes. The Highline SD, as of 2019-2020, is already excessively spending $20,000 per student per year for operational expenditures, capital outlays, and interest on debt. More than tuition at most private schools, and all from your taxes. Total compensation for district administrators ranges from a median of $180,000 to a high of $400,000 yet 60% of the district's students are from low-income families.
Currently, our nation’s school districts are flush with federal Covid-19 relief cash. Most are still trying to decide what to do with all the extra money. They don’t need to ask taxpayers for more. The district needs to respect hardworking taxpayers, stick to a budget, and continually reduce overhead and waste. Stop taxing people out of their homes.
The district needs to act frugally, starting now.
Submitted by: Jeff Heckathorn, schooldataproj@gmail.com