If approved by Shoreline voters, this proposition authorizes improvements to City parks, including the acquisition of new park land.
Significant improvements will be made at Brugger’s Bog, Hillwood, Richmond Highlands, Briarcrest (Hamlin East), and James Keough Parks. These improvements, depending on the location, may include playgrounds, splash-pads, multi-sports courts, walking trails, picnic shelters, off-leash dog areas, and a fully accessible play area for people of all physical abilities.
Improvements will also be made at Ridgecrest and Shoreview Parks including creation/improvement of off-leash dog areas and improvements to play and field areas. Investments at Kruckeberg Botanic Garden include an education center and children’s garden that will be accessible to persons of all physical abilities. Funding will also include installation of public art throughout the city.
Park land acquisitions and improvements will expand Paramount Open Space, Brugger’s Bog, and Rotary Park, and will include additional park land acquisitions.
If approved, Proposition 1 will authorize the City to issue up to $38,500,000 in general obligation bonds to finance and refinance these projects and set excess property taxes to repay those bonds. The bonds would mature within 20 years. Although the exact amount of property taxes per household necessary to repay the bonds will depend on interest rates and property values, the City estimates the annual property tax paid by the owner of a median valued home ($517,000) would be approximately $112 per year, or $9 per month. This is an increase of approximately $3 per month from the expiring park improvement bond.