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Si View Metropolitan Park District

Proposition No. 2

Levy Lid Lift for Parks and Recreation Services and Operations


The Board of Park Commissioners of the Si View Metropolitan Park District adopted Resolution No. 2020-04 concerning funding for parks and recreation. This proposition would provide funding for District parks and recreation operations and services, including the increased costs associated with maintaining and operating a new aquatic center, by increasing the District’s regular property tax levy by $0.06913/$1,000 to a maximum rate of $0.53628/$1,000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2021. The 2021 levy amount will be the basis to calculate subsequent levies, per RCW 84.55. Qualifying seniors, veterans, and others would be exempt, per RCW 84.36.

Should this proposition be approved:



Proposition 2 provides funding for operations at the Si View Metropolitan Park District, including the costs associated with operating a new aquatic facility also for consideration by the voters at the November 2020 election.  Proposition 2 is a levy lid lift to increase the regular property tax of the District by up to $0.06913/$1,000 of assessed valuation to a maximum regular property tax rate of $0.53628/$1,000 of assessed valuation, as allowed by RCW 84.55, to fund parks and recreation operations and services, including:  

Constructing, improving and equipping the new aquatic center facility; Paying for costs of maintenance and operations of the new aquatic facility; and Costs of operating, maintaining, equipping and improving District park and recreation facilities and programs.

The District’s Board of Park Commissioners will allocate funding among these priorities and other District operations and services.  These priorities and other details about the levy are described in Resolution No. 2020-04.

Approval of Proposition 2 would cost the owner of the average District home $500,000 about $2.69 per month.  The amount of the levy collected in 2021 would be used to calculate subsequent levy limits. Qualifying seniors, veterans, and others would be exempt, per RCW 84.36.

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in favor. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

No statement submitted.

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple Majority (RCW 84.55.050)

For questions about this measure, contact: Travis Stombaugh, Executive Director,
(425) 831-1900,

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